Workbook Roars with Life-Applicable Lessons from Narnia

Twenty-three days and counting until Hollywood roars with the worldwide release of the long-anticipated Christmas blockbuster, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, based on the 1950s literary masterpiece written by C.S. Lewis.

To help parents make the most of their children’s interest in the highly-publicized Narnia story, author Michael Pritchard of Memphis, Tennessee, is offering a companion workbook titled Lessons from the Lion: Your Family’s Guide to “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.”

Lessons from the Lion is a 33-page illustrated workbook designed to be an interactive learning guide for teaching biblical lessons and fostering spiritual discussions based on the truths presented in Lewis’ beloved story throughout which Christianity is embedded.

“The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is an amazing story about four siblings who enter a fantasy world and experience adventures beyond their imagination,” Pritchard explains. “They encounter talking animals, an evil queen and a majestic lion as they journey throughout the land of Narnia. During their adventures, the children come face to face with temptation and fear which, in the end, help them to grasp a true understanding of forgiveness and salvation.”

“Parents should not be afraid to introduce their children to this story simply because the word ‘witch’ is in the title,” explains Buddy Smith, with the American Family Association. “Christian symbolism guides readers through a sacrificial story with a redemptive ending which is reflective of Christ’s death and resurrection.

“Mr. Pritchard’s workbook is the prime tool for bringing such parallels to the surface in hopes that families will have a clear understanding of the story,” the executive assistant to the AFA chairman adds.

Therefore, the workbook contains Scripture references, Bible readings, and discussion topics as well as chapter summaries, multiple-choice questions, drawings and puzzles complemented by colorful illustrations created specifically for this workbook.

[Read the rest at Agape Press]