Belfast’s link with CS Lewis, brought to life for visitors through a new guide to his haunts across the city and beyond, is proving to be a “phenomenal” hit with locals and visitors alike, according to the Northern Ireland Tourist Board.
The booklet entitled ‘The CS Lewis Story ? Unlock Your Imagination’, which was produced to cater for the increased interest in the author following the launch of the big-screen adaptation of the classic novel The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, has been literally flying off local shelves.
Janet Watt, branch manager for the Hollywood Arches Library, confirmed: “The public response to the CS Lewis booklet, produced by the Northern Ireland Tourist Board and Belfast City Council, has been phenomenal.
“We had boxes of them and have had to order more.
“The release of the film combined with all the wonderful events staged across Belfast and here in the library, has definitely ignited people’s interest in the man and certainly people from this side of town are keen to know more about him; especially as he lived in this area and drew inspiration on what he saw here for his books.”
And she went on to point out: “The library also has the Ross Wilson CS Lewis sculpture outside the doors and there is always a steady flow of people with cameras posing at it – even more so now with all the publicity.”
The popular booklet incorporates a self-guiding tour to the Belfast of CS Lewis, which points out the Lewis family home, the CS Lewis centenary sculpture, and the Linen Hall Library; which is home to a unique collection of books about CS Lewis.
In addition to Belfast, the guide details CS Lewis’ connection to the surrounding areas of the Mourne Mountains and the Antrim Coast, where he developed a love of swimming.
It also points out the links between his love of Celtic myths and legends and his writing.
Anthony Cranney, NITB Culture, Heritage and Activity Tourism manager, added: “The release of the film presented the perfect opportunity for Northern Ireland to promote its strong links with CS Lewis.
“The booklet helps tourists discover his childhood home of Belfast and the many inspirational landscapes across Northern Ireland that helped him to create the world of Narnia.
“This truly is a unique and exciting time for Northern Ireland.”