The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is coming out in a couple of months, and now there are a ton of new pictures that are cropping up just about everywhere. These come from a couple of movie-tie in books from around the world! I hope that you enjoy them. For those interested, you can order the book here.
Big thanks goes to Narniaweb who had the images scanned an posted to their forums here and here.
ramadus daughter is GORGEOUS!
it’s so awsome
It looks so cool!!! I can’t wait.
I just can’t wait anymore! ♥
It’s good to see the three sleepers. I always wondered what that would look like. Can’t wait to see that in the movie.
omigod Benjamin!!!! everything’s looking amazing!
WOW!! this is so amazing! i love ramandu’s daughter! 😀
georgie is great!
WOW!!!!!I’m gettin excited..Lilliandil looks amazing and the other three are looking awesome..
Take a look at the Ed vs Caspian pic..
Nice to see Ramandu’s island..GREAT PICS
GREAT PICTURES!!! the monutour looks awesome! that sword looks really cool! and I guessing that in the story line Prince Caspian is sad that he can’t have Susan but in the end he gets Lillyandel. just a guess. Looks like Edmund and Caspian are starting to fight over the gold! So Paul, any news on the new trailer?
ahhh so so SOOOO awesome!!!!!! i really don’t think i can wait!!!!!! i think it’s humanly impossible!!!!!!!!
(sorry for all the !!s, it’s the only way to truly express my joy and excitement :D)
extremly awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ı thınk ı can waıt ı mean ı am waıtıng untıl july(fırst tıme ı heard narnıa 3(
i think that edmund thinks liliandi is attractive. but NEVER will i bring myself to believe he’s got a crush on her! hahaha, if i were in the movie i’d be seriously jealous but trying to hide it 😛
Everything is so awesome, but there’s just one absolutely awesome person missing. WHERE’S RAMANDU?!?!?!?!?!?! If they took him out of the movie, I’d be really really really really sad. 🙁 This movie has amazing potential, but it would be even more awesome with an old man with a really long beard!!!
oh I’m so excited!!!!! i can’t wait. see caspian and ed are fighting over at death water