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Behind the Wardrobe: An Interview Series with Douglas Gresham. Part 6 of 6: ” On Prince Caspian and Beyond.”

Hey, Narnia Fans! Welcome to the final installment of “Behind the Wardrobe” an Interview Series with Douglas Gresham. Join me as we find out about CS Lewis, Narnia and more in this interview series.

Special thanks to Paul Martin (The Webmaster for NarniaFans) and to Mr. Douglas Gresham himself for this amazing opportunity. And an even bigger thanks to Mr. Gresham for putting up with a few of my impossible questions. Thanks for being such a great sport about it! This has been a real pleasure.

I also apologize to all our readers for my tardiness in posting this article. I had some problems with my internet connection so sending/recieving responses from Mr. Gresham was imparied.

For this week: On Prince Caspian and Beyond.


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Behind the Wardrobe: An Interview Series with Douglas Gresham. Part 5 of 6: ” On The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe .”

Hey, Narnia Fans! Welcome to “Behind the Wardrobe” an Interview Series with Douglas Gresham. Join me as we find out about CS Lewis, Narnia and more in this interview series.

Special thanks to Paul Martin (The Webmaster for NarniaFans) and to Mr. Douglas Gresham himself for this amazing opportunity. And an even bigger thanks to Mr. Gresham for putting up with a few of my impossible questions. Thanks for being such a great sport about it!

For this week: On The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.


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C.S. Lewis

Behind the Wardrobe: An Interview Series with Douglas Gresham. Part 4 of 6: ” On the Narnia Film Project.”

Hey, Narnia Fans! Welcome to “Behind the Wardrobe” an Interview Series with Douglas Gresham. Join me as we find out about CS Lewis, Narnia and more in this interview series.

Special thanks to Paul Martin (The Webmaster for NarniaFans) and to Mr. Douglas Gresham himself for this amazing opportunity. And an even bigger thanks to Mr. Gresham for putting up with a few of my impossible questions. Thanks for being such a great sport about it

For this week: On The Narnia Film Project.


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Behind The Wardrobe: An Interview Series with Douglas Gresham. Part 3 of 6 ” On Jack’s Life, “The Dark Tower” and Other Matters…”

Hey, Narnia Fans! Welcome to “Behind the Wardrobe” an Interview Series with Douglas Gresham. Join me as we find out about CS Lewis, Narnia and more in this interview series.

Special thanks to Paul Martin (The Webmaster for NarniaFans) and to Mr. Douglas Gresham himself for this amazing opportunity. And an even bigger thanks to Mr. Gresham for putting up with a few of my impossible questions. Thanks for being such a great sport about it!

For this week: Jack’s Life, “The Dark Tower”, and other matters.
