Author: C.S. Lewis
Publication Date: 1956
Summary: Narnia . . . where lies breed fear . . . where loyalty is tested . . . where all hope seems lost. During the last days of Narnia, the land faces its fiercest challenge—not an invader from without but an enemy from within. Lies and treachery have taken root, and only the king and a small band of loyal followers can prevent the destruction of all they hold dear in this, the magnificent ending to The Chronicles of Narnia.
Related Music
- Endless Day – Wavorly
- Shadowlands (Outro) – Narnia (Band)
Characters of The Last Battle
- Lucy Pevensie
- Digory, The Professor
- Caspian
- Glenstorm
- Reepicheep
- Eustace Clarence Scrubb
- Jill Pole
- Polly Plummer
- Shift
- Puzzle
- Jewel the Unicorn
- Tirian
- Roonwit
- Tash
- Griffle
- Emeth
- Erlian
- Wraggle
- Water Rat
- Swanwhite
- Stonefoot
- Slinkey
- Rishda Tarkaan
- Poggin
- Moonwood
- Harpha
- Ginger
- Aslan
- Peter Pevensie
- Edmund Pevensie
Chapter Summaries
- By Caldron Pool
- The Rashness of the King
- The Ape in Its Glory
- What Happened That Night
- How Help Came to the King
- A Good Night’s Work
- Mainly About Dwarfs
- What News the Eagle Brought
- The Great Meeting on Stable Hill
- Who Will Go Into the Stable?
- The Pace Quickens
- Through the Stable Door
- How the Dwarfs Refused to Be Taken In
- Night Falls on Narnia
- Further Up and Further In
- Farewell to Shadowlands
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