
Night of Joy 2005 – A Weekend to Remember

Walt Disney World’s Night of Joy is a yearly event that’s been running for more than 20 years. I had never heard of it until this year, when music from the Chronicles of Narnia’s Inspirational Soundtrack was to be featured. I was given an opportunity to visit Walt Disney World, a place that I had never been. Having eight tickets, four for each of two days, and three friends in tow, we set up the trip in about three days time. […]


Four Days of Narnia! with Jars of Clay and Bethany Dillon

Over the past week, I’ve been doing some pretty heavy promoting of the Chronicles of Narnia. I worked at the Narnia booth at UnityFest 2005 in Muskegon, Michigan, handing out Narnia Passports and showing the trailer and behind the scenes material. I also had the opportunity to meet some bands, one of whom is involved in the Narnia Inspired Soundtrack, and another artist that is also involved. I’ve also heard the songs that they have contributed to the album, which hits stores on September 27th. […]

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What Ever Happened To Susan? by Inkspot

At the end of the final installment of the Chronicles of Narnia, Susan is the only one of the Pevensies not present in the “true” Narnia — even the Pevensie parents, who have had no role whatever in the adventures, are there, just across the way, apparently in the “true England.” The catch, of course, is that all have apparently perished in a railway accident in our world; making this Lewis’ presentation of heaven: new and perfect lands where old things we treasured and lost are once again waiting for us. […]

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Chronicles of Narnia

“Conversion” by Rosymole

‘Conversion’ is a word I would tend to use in reference to turning metric to imperial, or Pounds Sterling into Euros. It also has its other meaning, the one which means to change your religion or alter your spiritual path. It is certainly not a word I would ever use about myself.
I prefer the word ‘evolution’. […]

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C.S. Lewis

April Narnia Feature at Hollywood Jesus

In this month’s edition of the Hollywood Jesus Narnia coverage, we will not only revisit the basic storyline of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, but we will also examine some of the more curmudgeonly assessments of the book’s literary merits as well as some of the lesser-analyzed spiritual issues in the text. […]

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The Sacrifice of Aslan

Sacrifice is a major theme, if not the major theme, of C.S. Lewis’ Narnia series. It is the essence of giving up one’s self for the sake of another, a gift that usually is a saving gift, that kind of sacrafice is the theme most prominent in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. […]

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C.S. Lewis

Child-like Heart

Do not Lucy and Susan see Aslan that way and just want to bury their faces in his Aslan’s mane? Remember the romp between the three of them after Aslan returned from the dead at the stone table? I think that scene represents this side of Jesus that Lewis saw. Which is a part of the reason why I think he wrote these books as allegories for his nephew and nieces. Lewis’s point is to connect them with the reality that Jesus loves you. He has a special place for children in his heart. […]