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NarniaFansCast – Episode 19

This week, your host Andy Filipowich is joined by Paul Martin (Specter) and John Burkitt (EveningStar) to discuss location news for the upcoming Walden Media film of Prince Caspian. They also do a take on Book and Movie Talk and John performs the debut of Byron on Wells story “Christmas Eve” joined by guest voice Andy F. as Buckthorn Badger. […]

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Hollywood Wiretap Interviews Narnia Producer Mark Johnson

“The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian” is the sequel to a blockbuster that reportedly cost $180 million and grossed more than $745 million worldwide. It begins shooting on February 12, 2007 in New Zealand and then moves to Prague before ultimately finishing production next August. […]

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Narnia Fans Mailbag #18

Q: Hi! Do you/Can you give me information on how to contact the producers and/or directors of Prince Caspian? -GK A: Hey GK, I actually cannot give you that information. You must understand, giving that […]

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Narnia Books

NarniaFansCast – Episodes 17 and 18

Sorry about the late updates, but here we go. In episode 17, when host John Burkitt (EveningStar) and Austin Furey (CSLewisFan) get into it, anything is likely to happen. And it did. News, reactions, book and movie talk , and a poignant Byron on Wells story round off the program. In episode 18, your host Andy Filipowich is joined by Roger Thomas (PrinceOfTheWest) and John Burkitt (EveningStar) to discuss location news for the upcoming Walden Media film of Prince Caspian. They also do a take on Book and Movie Talk and John performs his Byron on Wells story “A Beaver’s Responsibility”. We are gradually changing elements of the soundscape…let us know how we’re doing! […]

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Narnia Fans Mailbag #17

Q: Hey!! I was wondering if there is a chance that you could do like a monthly update about Skandar! If you could that would be amazing!! Thanks! -Destani A: Hello Destani! I am actually […]

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If It Ain’t Broke, Break It–And Call This An Improvement

Much of the damage done in this world is done by people who don’t exactly mean to rebel against God–they just figure they have a better idea. And even in the peripheral zones of human creativity, it can happen that people make “improvements”–which AREN’T…. The existing Narnia movie, while I would have done a few things differently, does NOT feature any alterations or expansions which I would consider damaging…I am, for the record, confident that the future films WILL be done right, and that I will have no serious complaints. But perhaps it wouldn’t hurt to imagine (and so be forewarned against) some “anti-improvements” which could occur if scripts for the follow-on movies were to be written by writers who DON’T appreciate the vision of Mr. Lewis. “Prince Caspian” being already scripted, I’ll start with “Dawn Treader.”


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Narnia Film News

NarniaFansCast – Episode 16

This week, host Andy Filipowich is back, sharper than ever. He swaps news and views with Roger Thomas (PrinceOfTheWest) and Paul Martin (Specter) including speculating about casting calls for Prince Caspian. […]