Alice in Wonderland

You'll like it. It's great for Depp fans. Actually, even our BK liked it, and he doesn't even like movies, so ...
i haven't watched this movie but from what i heard, it wasn't as good as it was hyped up to be. idk but i still really want to see this movie plus i looove Johnny Depp :D he's my favorite actor

The movie is definitely worth it. To see Johnny play is one of the main reasons you should go and see it :D He is a great Hatter, alright he is a bit mad...MAD Hatter :p


I finally got to go see it yesterday! We saw it in 2D, which was lovely. I really loved the movie. During some of the really bizarre moments, I couldn't help but wonder what my parents were thinking about it (they went with me to see it). But they actually loved it, especially my dad! I was shocked. :p My mom said she liked it up until the battle, because she's not a battle fan (in LOTR or Narnia, either).

I thought that it was a good thing they added the mission/plot, because the book is pretty much just a rambling journey. I thought the world was beautiful, and the cast was awesome. There were a lot of great quotes. I liked how most of the people in Underland (Wonderland?) had parallel people in the real world. I loved the Mad Hatter! :p I'm a Johnny Depp fan, anyway. At first I found him a little creepy, but he grew on me. And, like someone else mentioned, I thought there was a little something there between him and Alice, as weird as it sounds. I heard there was a kiss or two in the original script. What do ya'll think about that?

And I have to give it to Alice that she was brave and didn't mind facing her problems (by the end, at least). I can't honestly say that I would have chosen to come back to the real world, especially with that suitor waiting for me. :rolleyes:

The Red Queen was great! I loved how everything at her castle was heart themed-down to the blade on the executioner's axe. I also loved the Cheshire cat and the Bandersnatch and the Jabberwocky.
I saw this on Friday, and I really liked it. I thought Alice was perfect, and the Red Queen was Perfect (capital P, loved her), and I liked the Hatter too. :rolleyes:
The white queen . . . I don't know, I kind of liked her more in the book.

I do have one question though, what was it that the Hatter said to Alice in the end (before she re-entered "real life")? I couldn't catch it, neither could the rest of the family.

Totally loved the Red Queen's performance! I liked the whole mad movie. :D
Glad you liked it!

You know, I can't remember or didn't catch what the Hatter said. Anyone else get it?
I didn't catch it, either. I looked it online, but I really couldn't find anything that made sense. One website said he said, "Fare foreign, Alice." But I'm not exactly sure what that's supposed to mean? :confused: :p
So I saw Alice in Wonderland and I have to say I was pleasntly surprised!
I am not a fan of Tim Burton at all. I thought Willy Wonka was so disturbing.
But this movie was pretty different. I enjoyed all the craziness and Alice's costumes! They were absolutely awesome! :D
Excellent! So glad you liked it! I'm a huge Tim Burton fan and got a huge kick out of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and most other Tim Burton madness. :)
I found what the Hatter said, it was "fairfarren," one of the many nonsense words they used in the movie. It's supposed to mean "Farewell. May you travel far under fair skies."
(really, who would use a nonsense word in such a circumstance? How are you supposed to guess it, there's no context!)

Wow, thank you for that, Lossendil. No wonder we couldn't figure it out. I must say, that's a teensy flaw in the script. Maybe at the time of filming they thought they would be using that word more often, and then it got cut out of every other place.
Oh, no, I loved Alice, especially in Wonder Land. I thought that young woman did a tremendous job. It was Anne Hathaway I didn't get ...
I thought the actress who played Alice did quite a good job actually. I wasn't exactly blown away by her performance but yes,she was good. And she sure is adorable.
I just have to say, I LOVED this movie. I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I did, but now I am am just in love with it. I'm reading the original Alice books right now and I love how they threw in all these little elements from them and kept true to the original whimsical mood of Carroll's stories, while pursuing their own new storyline. I'm not upset about all the book canon changes (I usually don't like it when movies do that) because the original books are just so RANDOM that it's hard to make movies off them without having seem completely pointless. Honestly, Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass are probably the two strangest books I have ever read. They make absolutely NO sense and really don't have ANY plot whatsoever. They're really good, don't get me wrong, but they're just SO RANDOM. I like the fact that this movie actually took the original elements and just added a storyline to give it an actual point :p

I also love the music...not a surprise, though, b/c I'm a huge fan of Danny Elfman :) And Anna Wasikowska is an AMAZING actress.

And Alan Rickman as Absolem the Blue Caterpillar? EPIC WIN. :D
So glad you liked it. I agree with your critique. I forgot about the music; Danny Elfman is of course a genius. Everything about the film was quirky and fun to my mind.
This movie really disappointed me. I'm not quite sure why; maybe I just went in with expectations that were too high. The highlight for me was definitely Johnny Depp's and Helena Bonham-Carter's acting. The visuals were stunning too.
The girl who played Alice really irked me. I felt that her acting was too... bland? (That’s the only way I can think of to describe it.)

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