I finally got to go see it yesterday! We saw it in 2D, which was lovely. I really loved the movie. During some of the really bizarre moments, I couldn't help but wonder what my parents were thinking about it (they went with me to see it). But they actually loved it, especially my dad! I was shocked.

My mom said she liked it up until the battle, because she's not a battle fan (in LOTR or Narnia, either).
I thought that it was a good thing they added the mission/plot, because the book is pretty much just a rambling journey. I thought the world was beautiful, and the cast was awesome. There were a lot of great quotes. I liked how most of the people in Underland (Wonderland?) had parallel people in the real world. I loved the Mad Hatter!

I'm a Johnny Depp fan, anyway. At first I found him a little creepy, but he grew on me. And, like someone else mentioned, I thought there was a little something there between him and Alice, as weird as it sounds. I heard there was a kiss or two in the original script. What do ya'll think about that?
And I have to give it to Alice that she was brave and didn't mind facing her problems (by the end, at least). I can't honestly say that I would have chosen to come back to the real world, especially with that suitor waiting for me.
The Red Queen was great! I loved how everything at her castle was heart themed-down to the blade on the executioner's axe. I also loved the Cheshire cat and the Bandersnatch and the Jabberwocky.