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    I dont think i seen that one!!!!!!!! D= *slaps u* >_> ....... not cool man... not... cool...at... all !!!!!! xD
    XD thing is.... im not joking... she prob. was >_____> ...... like... how can you not have watched spongebob!! i never missed an episode!!!!!! omg.. like D: i want to slap ur parents... i have seen every episode almost.... LIKE D:

    ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... You had a horrible childhood!!!
    :O i gots an idea!!! u be patrick star!! and and and ... i be sponge bob :D ... BEST FRIENDS... *hands u a best friend doughnut!* dont eat it >_>
    I went. It was pretty interesting. I was way behind when they were reciting things. Nobody was dressed up, so next time I'm wearing jeans. and also sneakers, 'cause I walked a quarter of a mile in wedges. Ouch.

    The woman next to me looked like she disapproved of me, though. Maybe she can smell my non-Catholicism. haha. But if I've got time, I'll go again next week.
    Ok, sounds good. I never dress up for service on Sundays, (though I'd never wear gym shorts. :p) but I usually throw on a clean shirt and comb my hair. I'll make an effort for a new place, though.
    I'll put on my dress pants (I really don't want to try and kneel in a skirt. lol).
    I did know that I wasn't supposed to take the communion (Heck, my parents tell me I can't at my own church, since I'm not really a Christian).

    About how long does a Mass last? I really need to be home for dinner is the main problem.
    It's a Roman Catholic church, but I might not have time today, 'cause I got up wicked late and have a buttload of homework.
    I don't know how nice I should dress is the main thing (and I don't know when to stand/sit/recite something, but I can just follow along with the congregation.)
    I hope I can make it though. It'll be interesting, at least.
    So I might be going to 4:00 Mass tomorrow, if I can. I might wimp out at the last minute, 'cause I'm afraid I'd look out of place. Maybe I'll dress nice and sit in the back, so no one notices.
    Even though I don't even know what to do. We'll see if I actually go through with it.
    I wish I could, but I could get dropped out of the honors program if I don't pull through this with a B. Which shouldn't be a big deal (I hate the honours people anyway), but I want to get into a good school when I tranfer. I want to be able to have a good job someday.
    Just...math isn't even something in my field.The thing is, I HATE the snottiness of this all, this "You must have grades this high in these specific classes, or you don't count as smart."

    Wether or not you can pass a stat test has nothing to do with your worth as a person. Wether or not you can stand in front of the class and give a 30 minute lecture is not a measure of your intellgence. And yet we treat it as such. If you can't pass a certain test, you don't get into a good college. You don't graduate with honors, you have less of a chance of getting accepted into school.
    It isn't right. It isn't fair, but we are stuck with it. Higher education is a joke. :/
    Of course, I'm not saying Catholics are corrupt, don't misread me, but the Church has a history of nastiness (that, of course, is because men twist the good things in the actual relgion)

    I think....you were raised Catholic, so you were taught to sort of look down on Luther, I was raised protestant, so I was taught to revere him.
    I will abolutely look at Catholicism. I plan to do a study of major religions (and whatever interests me.). I'm pushing through the Book of Mormon right now, which is very interesting, although I'm not converting. But even when I do settle for something, I'm still going to read the other books. because it's good to know.

    Ah, Martin Luther. I do admire him for pushing back against the corruption of the church in those days (the burnings, the paying your way into Heaven, amoung other things). He wasn't (at least from my knowledge, but I haven't read anything on him in awhile.) just a guy who hated Catholics, but someone who saw problems with the church and attacked. However, if I remember, he was very anti-semitic, which isn't cool.
    lol.. well.. i have my begginers but i cant drive my self yet, so i think imma wait for a while
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