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    haha no i cant drive.. and where i live.. no where for a job!
    I'm...nothing. Religion interests me, and I'm trying to find SOMETHING that fits. I was raised Baptist (my family...doesn't like Catholicism. I've only been in a Catholic church once. I was walking around town and it was freezing. I ducked inside to use the loo and get warm. They look beautiful from the outside, though). I didn't have a great experience going to church (I had no friends, too many thing stuck out in the teaching I disagreed with), so for awhile I was in complete rebellion. Then, I re-converted, only to rebell again.

    And now, at the ripe old age of 19 :)D) I am trying to find a religion where I can reconcile the things I don't like about it with the things I do like. 'Cause, honestly, I need stability because I feel like I'm falling apart.
    hahaha yeah!! XD and becuz i wanted some free candy... closest store is an hour walk away and i dont get much money from my parents... and i hate asking... and yeah....
    not big on candy ... lol.... my pm wont send to u so..... i'll make a new 1
    I DID !! D: *gives u all my candy* i no want it
    I got 10 pounds... vs ur 3 ;]
    Hahaha ... im going trick or treating in a bit ;DD
    hahaha you're pretty gansta brah !!! XD
    XD fo sho o.o ....... sexy word
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