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  • Good! I got to read about art and I saw the Dark Knight Rises. I absolutely loved every minute of it. Anne Hathaway was simply superb and beautiful as Catwoman.
    It happens. It happened to me when I was around your age. I was really trying to think who and what my life was for. It's just that certain age when thoughts happen like that.
    Ugh, I have a cold too. No fun. -__- Hope you feel better!
    I'm excited too! I'm going to update the list in a little while. :D
    oh.. its a good song...

    :/ Im so confused with guys right now.. they say and do one thing, and then the next minute im not their type, or he doesnt think out relationship would work :/ , what do i do... ARGHH
    It is a great job if you like to travel! He and I are both scuba diving instructors, although it has been a long time since either of us taught a class. His job is mostly management now. Ciao.
    My husband works for a company in the scuba diving business, and he manages the Gulf Coast and part of the Caribbean for his company, so he is here on business. Because I work from home anyway, I can sometimes travel with him and still do my job -- which is good, because he travels a lot and otherwise I wouldn't see much of him.

    Love you, darling! Ciao
    You are welcome. :) That is good.

    haha, nah, I understand, remember, I went through that! It was the same for me... I thought like I was being teased constantly for my feelings... but... life went on... and now I have an amazing husband. :)
    Hello! :)

    No, it's alright. I tried to give an equally long reply :p

    Going well. Just getting ready for my school's summer English camp for the next three weeks. :)
    hahahaha sorry about today,..... friend came as soon as i got off >_< ! lol..

    did u watch that?
    Aruba today; it is lovely here, but I am working so not out a lot in the sun and sea. Hope to get out a little later.

    Sorry you're having a bad time. FWIW the only way I found to not feel like a complete jerk is to find my identity solely in Christ; to focus less on me and more on Him. I am who I am in Him, and He loves me because He loves me, not for anything that I can do or be ... It takes to pressure of me to be any particular way and lets Him be who He wants to be through me.

    That may all be stuff that only makes sense when you're old though. I never tried it when I was young.

    Hang in there, you're terrific!

    Hey, I am OK, thank you. I am traveling, have been traveling for over a week now, and the stress of it made me a little ill. I had some surgery last year that didn't heal correctly, and it still bothers me from time to time if I get out of my routine. But God is faithful, and I am feeling better now. I hope you are well! :)
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