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  • hmm... im doing nothing this week.. otther then swimming...... and then HOPEFULLY, when that guy comes out, he said me and him is gonna have the "relationship" talk :D you have no idea how happy i am atm..... l;ike.. can u see my smile in ohio ? :D <3
    The pictures are amazing:p but it's cost everyone so much money-.- I'm not even in England for the opening ceremony:L Holiday tomorrow:D
    When did I post on the signature thread? o_O

    I went back and looked. I think you're being kinda oversensitive. ;) I don't get on very often anymore, and when I do, the graphic rating threads are just not a priority. It was a complete coincidence that I happened to post when you left. I didn't even know you were gone.
    Of course; I'm going to start it as soon as I can! I've been spending a bit more time off the computer as I'm visiting with family and such. I'm still finalizing the idea I have, too. :D
    I should be learning to drive...... But I am not... yet.... And actually, dad has to take us, because my 'step'sister is legally blind therefore cannot drive.... So the two of us are going to be taken to the mall.
    Yes. I love Charlie in the Chocolate Factory. I had seen it before I saw it with my friend, but I love it all the same. Its hilarious, and its just fantastic. I love the whole plotline and everything. My friend had read the book, and said that it was really close to the book. (the new one, with Johnny Depp)

    Lol how close am I to finishing school?? I have no idea.. :p I use the A Beka curriculum.. They go really long, and stuff. Though I haven't done school in a week or so... :p

    I have no idea what kind of shopping. Im assuming its clothes shopping, considering the fact that we are going to the mall. :) I love that she is here for the whole summer!!! :D
    We watched the new Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and a tv show....

    Sweet!!!!! Love Facebook. I still haven't quite finished school yet... :( oh well....

    I'm excited because my 'step' sister and I are going to go shopping later today. :)
    I'm sure it's really interesting, but I'm not interested in achitecture enough to read it all:/ Sorry haha it's my last day of school tomorrow so I've got out of the mood for reading and writing:D
    We did a couple activities, such as go to the lake, watch a movie, go to a glazing studio and paint some mugs, and just hang out.....
    What about you, anything exciting happen to you recently?
    nope, hes a real busy guy, and we cant get a time... hopefully soon tho... before august...

    and nooo.... he has glasses soo ;P
    ah okay

    Things are going well. We are enjoying the weather and such. :) I will probably be here at least two years... maybe longer... just waiting and seeing...

    ah good for him :)
    in a pond/lake.. and its soo fun

    yes -_-... i've known him forever, just havent talked for a while....
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