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  • If I go I really want to go on the day TFK is there, especially after hearing their new album. I love it!
    I wrote a piece about him in a fanfic I did. We were NOT merciful.

    Yes. I heard robert pattinsion is supposedly supposed to be finnick and I was like NOOOOO!!! I hope that rumour STAYS a rumour. That's now who should play finnick at ALL.

    well,halters show off your boobs more. Spaghetti strap things don't have any neckline. I have this super pretty black dress that I'm never going to get to wear ANYWHERE. I've always wanted to go to a dance in it. It's got a long ballroom skirt that's black and cream with lace. oh...so pretty.
    I hope SOMEBODY dances with you there or something. You said you never had much luck :p

    I have an account on grooveshark. I've been on it for the same amount of time that I've been on the forum.
    XD I'm still not sure I'll be able to go, my money situation keeps fluctuating with college scholarships and other things. ;)
    Yes! And why did Caspian have a BRITISH accent all of a sudden? He was raised with a spanish one,three years around english speaking narnians doesn't erase the fact you have a spanish accent. An italian person who's been raised in italy with that accent,then moves to america,doesn't lost his accent immediately just because he's surrounded by american voices! LOGIC APTED! Y U NO USE IT?

    My mom didn't like the Hunger Games because she felt she didn't feel a sense of spirituality. Catching Fire was my favorite though and they'd BETTER NOT screw that movie up. But hey! they will because if Reagan likes it,that means Hollywood MUST destroy it.

    awww you have dances? We have one at this old church of ours but this guy I used to know NATHAN will be there and I have NO interest in seeing HIM again. We go prom crashing. Plus,they think high heels "immoral" or something. Psssh,I love heels. I have two pairs.
    XXX is a rating of the HIGHEST maturity. Ever see a movie rated X or NC-17? RED FLAG. NEVER WATCH.

    oMG DID YOU NOTICE IT TOO? The film quality kept switching between scenes! it would be really clear and cheap looking and then it would switch back to movie gloss. i thought it was just the theatre's projector but then I looked at the clips again online and it was STILL THERE. So cruddy. Hahah the swords was stupid. We called them the "dog poop encrusted swords" since that's what dog doo turns into after you let it sit out after awhile xD

    I wanted to read the book. It's a good story,it's just the current adaptation doesn't focus on the MORAL. only the sex. puke.

    I used to be in a homeschool group but then the moms got lazy,the girls got self righteous and the whole thing went to hell. I just hang out with this one girl very RARELY now. In the summer we see each other more because she always wants to go swimming.

    otherwise,my best friends are here and on Tumblr.
    Aww I miss art! I don't do it at school anymore, it used to be the lesson where you'd do whatever you wanted really, that and music:D not so much drama, everyone tried with that because it was funnier if you worked hard on your task and then had a hilarious performance:D
    No I don't have a thread,but I used to make my own banners all the time.

    Iron man's scene is nothing. I haven't even seen the whole thing but it's not XXX or anything.
    I wanna see Scott Pilgrim vs the world really bad.

    You angry about that too? LET ME LOVE YOU! That was my FAVORITE book in the WHOLE series and they screwed it up! Everyone on here was like,nah you'll like it! Just wait and see! Pshhh NO. Horrible film. I was so mad when I came out of the theatre.

    Ugh yes,never watch Dorian Gray. Sex,gay sex,murder...bleck. The 1930s version is good because it stuck to the moral of the story rather than the bad things Dorian does.

    I'm homeschooled too :p I meet more homeschoolers online than in person. I guess since we don't ether out much,we have to populate the Internet.
    Couldn't sleep? Ugh,that's how Ben Barnes was with Dorian Gray. That movie is more sexual than scary but GOD IT IS FRIGHTENING EITHER WAY. I only saw screencaps and trailers but it was so perverted. The man had a mental melt down half way through the filming. Things get intense don't they?

    Are you public schooled or homeschooled? Because it's 9 in the morning and I'm wondering why you're online...
    That's what my dad does.

    and no,I haven't seen it yet. That's my problem,I turned 14 hoping I could see more PG-13 films(mostly the thrillers) and I WAS SO WRONG. My mom is uber paranoid about that too. There's a ton of films I want to see but I haven't yet because of her. I'm stuck watching chick flicks. Although dance movies are awesome. They're pointless but the dance scenes are what they spend the budget on so those are the best parts.

    oh yes. Do you get mad at directors/producers too? I had this thing with Andrew Adamson(the guy who did Prince Caspian) I was LIVID with that guy.

    Ugh,I hate that. Because a fun kind of prank is okay,but these people were genuinely frightening and they didn't have any concept of personal space. Also you couldn't breathe because of these fog machines. If I'm going to be scared,I'm bringing my sonic screwdriver because I prefer having a fake weapon to fight fake monsters with xD
    I don't understand why people think being scared is fun. Like,I went to worlds of fun on fright night one time and it was the most horrifying thing EVER. Like seriously. I know it's fake,but in the moment,you're scared witless.

    That's not fun.
    That's emotionally scarring.
    Adam's fangirls are destroying each other and I'm obsessed with his new EP.

    DAMNIT. Sorry,I put ketchup on pretty much everything. Hope that's not weird.
    That's how my dad used to mess with me. He'd tell me I'd never get a date if I put ketchup on my steak to try and get me to stop. I'm still holding him to it...

    And no,I hate scary movies. But it depends on what they are,if they're of the extraterrestrial persuasion,I'll run screaming. Not one for Saw or anything like that. Me and my sister have nightmare issues. I always go for the psychological thrillers though...
    I like movies that make you think. Even though thinking is bad for me.
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