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  • Omg.. Let me know nxt time u can vidchat.. Id love to see you!!!=D... Id look at u and scream testicles..
    can I ask you a question about Ketchup on Steak and E.T.?
    Does E.T. freak you out?(I hate that raisin turd with a passion)
    and does Ketchup on various meats bug you?
    Yes. The only qualm I had was that during the reaping,it was too quiet. Not enough atmosphere to really feel the suspense. Otherwise it was the bomb. The riot scene was perfection.
    I actually finished the whole series in a week.

    No I haven't yet. I'm busy with Adam. ADAM IS A HANDFUL. Life of a fangirl,It's tiring.
    Btw if you're interested,there's an Owl City EP coming out on the 15th this month. It's got some hip hop flavour to it. It's definitely NOT what we're used to(he's mixing it up a little) but I'm digging it so if you're interested,I'd download it.

    I have to use the leak. I'm broke.
    TRACTORS!! I know how to drive one of those. I take my siblings on hay rides. I always go hella fast though.

    Hunger games IS a lot to swallow. I really dislike mockingjay. They killed WAY too many people. Nearly the whole cast. I never really fancied the whole thing,I always preferred the City of Ember series. But the movie was FANTASTIC.
    so do I. Only for things I say,not how I look.

    Pretty good. I'm just doing pins for my dad's work and listening to Selena Gomez. How about you?
    Well just because people don't comment on it doesn't mean they didn't like it. Sometimes people are shy. I know a lot of people like that. Haha sorry,I laughed. It was funny. That's why I get laughed at though,I can get vain too but then everyone's like "why'd you go for THAT guy?"

    Haha I know a song like that. It's called Rockabye Baby by Priscilla Renae.
    well you ARE cute. And you have a bullet proof vest! win!

    ehhh well. Yeah. Girls aren't good at EVERYTHING. They whine that they want their own stuff but then nobody wants it.

    Okay I will.
    Oh because no girls like you anyway? I do that to people.

    Ahhh I prefer female rap. Sad but true,I have a weakness for Nicki Minaj. My sister likes Santogold who I like too. La Roux is my JAM though. Shad's also good but I've only heard his verse on this song called Flux and Flow.
    Well...didn't mean to make you feel weird. I can't be subtle. And boys always compromise my espionage skills. It's no fair!

    Anyway,music time. As far as your rap goes,what artists do you listen to specifically?
    Go on then, what've you finished?:)

    haha I can imagine you rocking out to some hard core rap:L I'm quite wierd with my taste of music, I pretty much like a bit of everything
    Ahhh basketball type of guy? My cousin Matt is a STICK. They call him Mr. Bones because when we sucks in you can see his ribs in perfect detail. He weighs seriously like 90 lbs.

    Didn't I tell you this already? Or was it someone else. Eh Regardless,it was FANTASTIC. Lots of humour in it I saw. Best part was the guy from shield playing Galaga. People were cracking up and clapping during that part. It was an excellent movie. I wanna go see Step Up 4 now...
    I'm out for retooling. Ugh,I went through this with Charlie. I'm on my period. That's all. I tend to get food cravings and then crush on the closest boy in the vicinity.

    Wow you're skinny. In girl's mindview,I'm fat. I weigh like 140. My dress size is a zero though. Eh,it's weird.
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