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  • Yes and that's why they give us guns and mace and have us take tai quon doe etc. SCREWED UP. That's also why I don't go out much. My mom's paranoid EVERYONE will do it.

    YES! it's kind of a fantasy(I have to go over to england) but I can probably manage to drive around the US in reality. Maybe the girls from england can fly here and we can pick them up. Problem is,when everyone's on the bus...what do we do then? I remember we were all going to owatonna Minnesota to party in Adam's hometown or something but it might've changed.
    Regardless: FUN FUN FUN. I'll just start saving up when I'm sixteen to buy gas and rent one of those party buses that has the fiber optic lights on the ceiling.

    Oh yeah mine too. I met a few people from facebook at a concert though and then he got to come back to our house for our halloween party :D
    Exactly. They usually put it all on the girls for acting like tramps. I mean,girls shouldn't be trampy either,but boys need a good reprimanding too.
    My mom says boys and girls being in school together is bad because of the hormonal mix etc. I kind of believe her. Urges everywhere and then bOOM. pregnancy befalls the uncontrollable ones.

    Same here. I thought I had one once...but...yeah. stuff happened.
    Don't worry though,I've saved you a seat on that tour bus I'm renting xD
    My dad sometimes goes on Polo trips to different states though. Maybe I can go if he ever goes to Ohio :D
    Usually like half 10-ish:L but I have to get up at 6:30 for school so I can't really go to sleep any later haha
    you should have been like, 'I couldn't sleep!' haha:D
    it's been alright, revising for exams blah blah blah:/ In 9 days I have 2 Philosophy+Ethics exams, so I'm learning bible quotes and Christian attitudes towards all sorts of things, wooo...:L
    I finish mid-late July, but I have a week off early june:D you?
    I'm the eldest too,except for Savannah who's only a year older but she's not as mature as she thinks she is. She'll try to put me down like she's SO MUCH more mature but then something'll happen to me that humbles her and she'll come crawling to me for advice. Makes me laugh everytime. As far as ONLINE friends go,I'm the youngest. Everyone else is 15 and up.

    The problem is,pervs like that with "swag" usually get ALL the girls(heaven knows WHY.) Guys like you get girls like me :)
    There should be more guys like you though. We seem to be lacking in them...
    No, haven't seen avengers.... And stop looking at other women o.o HAHAHA missed you so much:(
    I really dont see how you can do that:/ I'm terrible when it comes to lack of sleep, like last night i was at a sleepover so it was a smidge of a late night:/ then my dad came to get me at like 10am, half an hour after i'd woken up, so all of today I've seen so tired:/
    It would be pretty awesome:D
    +ohhh you absolute rebel, what did you do?:L
    and no! But my sister did, she said it was reaally good:) you seen it yet?
    I have his phone number still. I could just track that through google maps. BWAHAHAHAH.

    Boys are obsessed with it aren't they? Sickos. Awww playing favorites huh? That sucks. Whenever I'm in a group of people,I'm the biggest kid there so they normally respect me and simmer down. I'm not fat,I'm just...BIG. So I'm kind of intimidating to all the little stick figures I used to know.

    Same. Of course...I don't really DO anything outside of TDL anyway. I had a few "friends" awhile ago but we officially cut ties so now I don't worry about ANY of those brats.
    Mmmhmm. I plan on being an author or a columnist. probably a professional blogger too. Something in that area.

    I don't have anything blackmail worthy xD I just know which school he's going to...bwahaha. I'll just drive by the window one day and freak him out.

    Oh hmm. Yeah. Boys are SO gross when it comes to that area. And I've noticed when you throw them together,things get raunchy. Boys act like nasty idiots when they're in a pack,and girls get catty and petty when THEY'RE in a pack. You gotta have a mix.
    My brothers are only toddlers and I can't go through ONE day without maxx saying something about "balls"(if you get what I mean.)
    "apologies" are super annoying. It makes me wanna slap people upside the head. Oooh yeah. One sided friendships are weird. I think that's how it was with me and Charlie.
    I'm the best in the business! Aside from my friend Christina Truman(who we call Chuck.) A lot of my 2008-2010 writings suck but I like my recent work. As far as other opinions go,I've won several awards so far for my series Every Hoot Owl Wants.

    Ehhh...he's just kind of ignoring me right now but he hasn't unfollowed me yet. I think we both care too much still. I went through our DM history and stuff and honestly,if his only intentions were to cheer me up,he laid it on WAAAAAY too thick. I don't even believe him when he says that. So since he's ignoring me,I've just decided to stalk him. So now I found out where he lives.
    Never underestimate my researching skills.

    Sure,I don't mind. I probably won't be much help though seeing as how I only talk to peeps over the internet. But,What's wrong with you?

    No,I'm actually going to see it today.
    I did write narnia fantasy at one point but my mom said it was too crazy so I stopped for awhile. I started doing more realistic fanfiction and then I started a tumblr series called Every Hoot Owl Wants.

    I can't send it until I have your email. You can PM it to me if you like.

    oooh busted. I won't have my computer fully till the weekend either so I suppose we're even :) See you!
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