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  • When they're your friends its even funnier:D they're the times when it's good to cry with laughter:)
    +DOO! They do loads of amazing awkward things, like the stuff you'd love to do but are too embarrased to do it:D
    I kind of hope he comes to Lawrence instead of Kansas City though. It's closer and I want to see him play at Liberty Hall.
    I didn't like the books as much as the film. Catching Fire was my favorite out of the three so as far as movie ratings go,I give it a 10.

    Yeah,paper bracelets. I was like 7.

    Owl City concerts are like drowning. You're packed into this little space with the general admission people and everyone dances and jumps around and you can end up losing your spot. And if you're only 5'3 like me,you feel like you're drowning trying to see over the taller people. The performances are great though and Adam always does something weird. At ours,he was doing this dance with waterbottles. Another show,he did a somersault. Sometimes he takes his shoes off and dances barefoot. He's such a spazz.

    I have like 3 girls to meet up with at this show though so it's gonna be AWESOME. My friend Austin(whom we met at the first show) will be there too. I'm gonna wear my Tumblr URL on my arm in case anymore tumblr peeps are there.
    You know it:D... So .. My friend is staying here.. And my bros friend.. Gonna be a fun night
    But as for summer plans,we have A TON of stuff to do: We're going to Silver Dollar City,Worlds of Fun,we have berries to harvest and then the swimming pool and then Owl City's album comes out and my dad said when the tour dates are posted he would buy us tickets which means I HAVE ANOTHER CONCERT TO GO TO!!!

    Summer is always the bomb.
    Oh it was really good. I won't spoil it for you. But there's this one scene that made me cry. It was really really moving I was just sitting there with tears streaming down my face. There was this obnoxious group of kids sitting a couple seats down from us too who were about to ruin our movie but my dad yelled at them to shut up and all the people his age whispered "thank you!" and it was funny.

    I'm not as into marvel because I was a DC kid when I was little. I watched Justice League and I had all the action figures and I used to dress up as wonder woman all the time with her little bracelets. Marvel's newer movies are just so fantastic though so I like watching them.

    I don't have one my size in the backyard. My brothers run around naked in a kiddie pool but if we want to go swimming we usually go to the public pool with this girl Kiran. We went by ourselves one time and it was the one golden moment I was let out of the house ALONE. Mwahahah.
    I love your new avatar and siggy pic, it's really cool. :D

    I can't wait to see that, I'm definitely going on Friday. I'm also going to that Pirate movie tomorrow, because David Tennant is in it(he's my favorite Doctor)

    I assume you haven't started watching Doctor Who yet?

    I need new ones, one of mine is falling off:p

    Good, more testing(it was Math) I got a new book today, and in History we watch National Treasure 2(because of testing) cheesy, but better than work.
    what about you?
    Hahaha xD that happened to me too.... Its why i read one book in 24 hours.. I dreamt about it
    Oh the first one? I'm going out to go see the movie right now actually. Dinner date with my dad and sister.

    I wanna see the avengers reaaaaallly badly. I've been really into super hero movies lately.

    Oh well I told you pretty much what's been happening. Other than that,I got this awesome swim suit in the mail with an astronaut on it.
    It's Clove and Cato from District 2. And it was said that Cato had feelings for Clove, and her death was very emotional to him. He kind of lost it towards the end of book 1.
    I suppose I can talk to you in the meantime. I mean,not that I was trying to ignore you before,I just have more forum time since I have to take a break from tumblr/twitter.

    so what have you been up to?
    I'm completely surprised. All I know is that he made his way in,started all this stuff and then when he got back from this trip he was all weird. If he's mad,he's mad at me for things of his own doing. If he didn't want to be close then why did he act like it? If you don't wanna be close,you don't give someone your number. Doesn't matter if you're talking or texting,you don't do that.
    I can't think of anything else. If something's happened then he's just taking it out on me. I'm gonna leave him alone for awhile and see if he comes around.

    I love expressing feelings through songs too. Every day lately some song on my iPod is relevant to whatever my mood is so I sing it all day. And sometimes songs that should NEVER be relevant become relevant and yeah. painful.

    I'm puzzled too. :( But even though you said life isn't fiction,this has played out EXACTLY how I imagined these characters in a book I wrote. Word for Word. And that scares me. a lot.
    Thanks. It's been kind of painful all day. Because I'm afraid to lose him or of what he'll say when he sees the email. I just don't see how one invites oneself in,acts like they care about you and makes you feel special and then turns around and acts like you're a stranger.

    Basically,this song is all of my feelings today: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UVNT4wvIGY

    I don't know how to explain it other than in song form. That song is ridiculously close to what happened.

    I have told him I didn't have a crush crush on him before and the only reason I can think of that he would react to that is that perhaps he did like me or was starting to but that can't be the case...can it?
    I had a dream.. I ...played the trumpet.... I played the bareny song.... Hahaha i want a trumpet now... I needa stop talking to u..(not really) butbseri man... Trumpet dreams... Ridic.
    Another thing is,I'm a resource. BECAUSE he's either too lazy or doesn't understand how to research his own Owl City news,he gets it from me. So that confuses me further. You want me to call you when something happened owl city-wise,and when I have a problem...no. Even when you said that was fine before.

    He runs hot and cold. I'll update you though...
    hahaha but I know her. We've talked before. She's a little dim though. When he told me she was mad at me she tweeted me and goes "I don't know what charlie's talking about. I'm not mad at you." So its mixed messages all over the place.

    So I think he's even more confused than I am. If anything,all I want is to NOT lose him. If we both need a breather than that's fine. But I AM emailing him.

    Thanks for all your help though patrick. You've been REALLY REALLY helpful and I appreciate it :) Thank you so much.
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