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  • I mean,he's got this EP coming out (because he considers himself a very professional indie producer) and whatever else is going on so he says he just has "life stuff" going on. I don't care if he needs space. I don't need to talk to him every night. But when something HAPPENS that involves him,I do need to discuss it.

    *sigh* I feel bad for yelling though so I'm gonna try emailing him tonight. I'm better with lengthy emails. All the pieces get in that way.
    The way it used to be was we talked about music and if either of us were feeling bad,we'd try to talk to each other and cheer each other up. He stood up for me against this bully and if I was off by myself being moody and I'd apologize for being crazy he'd be like "you're not crazy." And now he's like "you need other people in your life." I told him that My other closest friends were in England and california and he was like "hmmm yeah that's not healthy."


    I have tried talking to him about the whole romantical business because he kept pestering me about why I was acting so feely and I told him I had a little bit of a crush on him but that I didn't want to have it because he's taken. Dunno if that attributes to anything.
    I don't know. I yelled at him a bit and told him why I was upset(if you've ever heard Goteye's Someone I Used To Know,its basically all those lyrics) but I think he got defensive. Me and him did really get close and we were really good friends so it was like seeing Vicky walk out on me or something.

    I don't know either. He only said it once and it was really quick and it was weird. The VERY first time I met him he reblogged this post of mine on tumblr(I was just making a list like "if you want to date me" for fun) and he added: "we could date. But there's the fact you might be a radical terrorist." The last bit was supposed to be funny but after I got to know him and met his girlfriend I was like "WHY would you even say that in the first place?"
    Hes 18?? And i dont like it.... Idk... I just think they r ugly, werid, druggies and drunks... Idk .. Really upset tbh
    Hahaha they was awesome.. So im having trouble with my bf... My friend seen him talking to 50yr old bikers...
    It started the week he went on a school trip. The DAY before he left he called me and he was like all excited and stuff and we were just talking about music and he goes "we have to hang out someday when we have like...jobs and stuff."

    and so when he got back he was like really surly and moody and I got the end of it and I already told you that bit. So since then we've been a bit edgy with each other and it's just fighting and confusion.

    He's just been saying "well,I just have life problems and stuff." Well I have them too. If he needs space,dangit,he can have space. All I'm upset about it how he says he cares and then acts like I'm just some fake person from the computer. That week was screwed up. I don't know what happened. It almost feels like we are a couple because this is exactly how the characters in my books act. They air out and then everything's peachy again but this fighting is IDENTICAL to thing's I've written which scares the hell out of me.
    well the results are in. The casualties are me. He doesn't want me to call him anymore because he thinks its too weird I've gotten attached to(as a friend i.e. I'm not in love with him) somebody I met on the internet.

    I'm mad because he's the one who was all like "hmm do you need to talk about it?" when I would have a bad day. He wanted to collaborate and everything at first and he stood up for me against this jerk I knew and was like "I care about her in life" and now it's "you need someone else in your life for the sake of your mental health."

    I mean,****,don't invite yourself in like that. I'll lock the goddamn door on you. He was trying to be nice but it hurt because I don't know what went wrong.
    I've been pretty good. We have standardize testing for the next two weeks, so barely any homework! My baseball team is doing much better than we expected(MLB) and my dad is out of town, so my mom and I can watch our favorite TV show.
    what about you, anything new?
    God yes my parents are protective. But they're almost too paranoid. They tell you you can't do something but then they don't give you the other option,which is,what they DO want you to do. I'm not allowed to be dating at all and I can't anyway(can't go anywhere) so I just have a lot of friends. I get crushes from time to time but they always wear off. I just want to be able to make my own mistakes and figure some things out for myself.

    You've been a big help though and I'll tell you how it goes if Charlie stops avoiding me...
    Well see,the three problems are 1: I can't tell if he's being a flirt or not 2: I don't WANT to be his girlfriend because he's taken and that's mean and 3: it's the Internet,and even if he lived here,my mom and dad wouldn't want me dating anyway.

    We were fine like a couple weeks ago and then for some reason everything got all weird. I've been trying to call him so I can get it sorted but I think he just thinks I'm bored or something. We don't usually call unless we NEED something. I just wish it was back to how it was when we first met. Hopefully I can get it sorted because I really hate these feels.
    He's really been giving me complications. I mean feeling wise. Because we're quite good friends and I like him like that too but when he does stuff like that I get more of a crush and I really don't want to be in some sort of Taylor Swift-esque love triangle. It's not like I can do anything because its the INTERNET and we live 4 states away but when I do like somebody(doesn't matter how severe) my mom ALWAYS finds out and gives me crap about it and I hate that. She already gives me crap about what subjects I use for writing,what singers I fangirl over,how I handle my emotions...

    I'm just confused and flushed and I don't really know where to turn or what to say or do at this point. Because this is what he does. He's Charlie.
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