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  • oh TRUST ME. I know about guys and their electronics. My dad is a total freak about his iPhone and iPad and stuff. I've seen my mom get in fights with him over it and stuff so I'm always like "NOBODY TOUCH DAD'S SHINY THINGS!"

    My day was good. I might skype with Vicky or something tomorrow. My mom went to wichita for a birthday party so I'm captain of the ship until she gets back in the morning. I really don't go anywhere or anything so I'll probably just try and write this book I started. It's my first non-fanfic. Although I did base a hell of a lot of people on people I know in life...
    Yeah we're just friends. But He has a girlfriend and he really likes her but he apparently likes me enough too to make HER question him. Like he called up the other day and was like "omg in the car I was telling nolan how she makes me feel no other girl can and she said "what about Reagan?" and I was like "WHAT?" I met you on twitter! I don't even know what you look like,what?" And omg it made me laugh so hard. Because he does talk to/about me a lot and I guess enough offline too because his friends are always like "yes,we know about reagan." so in my head(I didn't get to tell him yet) I was like "YOU CAN'T TALK ABOUT YOUR FEMALE FRIEND AROUND YOUR GIRLFRIEND. THAT GETS THEM JEALOUS."
    I don't even know about him anymore. I just like him because he runs his mouth off about owl city and other random stuff and it's funny.
    Okay, that's cool! Oh, and there's a spot on their website in the bottom corner where it says that they now have an online radio stationtgat plays odyssey 24/7!
    I don't know if I have heard that one yet or not. I can email you a few episodes, since all mine are on Mp3 if you want. Have any favorites?
    I guess he was in a bit of a mood also because his laptop broke or something and it was gonna cost a lot to fix and for some reason I was involved in that? Or...whatever. It's resolved now.

    Yeah hahaha I have no idea. Like there was this livestream the other day for all the hoot owls(which was a major disappointment because Adam is a troll) and so immediately after it Charlie's like "call me!" So I have to call him and tell him what happened and then he asked me what the Something Corporate remix was(it was a band who Adam remixed a song of) and so I was just thinking to myself again like "dangit,this is what I do with patrick. How come you guys never seem to find this stuff for yourselves?"

    I used to be a research Queen when I fangirled over Ben Barnes in the benonite thread on here though so maybe that's why I'm good at it. I dunno. I like to feel needed for something though :)
    Oh well since those girls were picking on me I sort of fell into a state of depression and anger and took it out on the internet because he wasn't there to calm me down and so when he got back,my twitter timeline was pretty much the most depressing thing you've ever seen. So he yelled at me a bit (he said all caps just means emphasis but that's not true,all caps is yelling) and he said something a bit mean so I started crying and then he was like "why are you crying?" "what?" and He kept trying to get ahold of me and call me(which failed,my dad picked up the phone instead and it was...hilarious.) so later I called him back and I asked him why he was mad at me but he said he wasn't(he's like my dad almost. doesn't understand how you can make me upset.) so I was like OKAY boys are weird.
    Well,I haven't been on here in awhile so I guess...I had a pretty bad two weeks. Idiots picking on me and then me and my friend Charlie misunderstood each other and I ended up crying and then my sister got chicken pox and our trip to wichita got canceled so yeah. pretty cruddy. BUT there was an owl city song leak three days ago and IT'S AMAZING. Go look up Owl City feat. Mark Hoppus Dementia and you should be able to find it.

    I feel like this has been my purpose lately. I educate the boy hoot owls because they for some reason can never seem to get the same information the girls do. I have no idea why but they don't so I end up supplying them with the info on where to see/hear stuff.
    I think I am gonna start writing a hunger games fan-fic. Any ideas or suggestions. I was maybe thinking of doing the early years of Katniss or somethinglike that. Because there is some background in the story already so I have something to work with.
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