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  • Oooh that's the interactive xbox thing right?:p that look pretty amazing, its like the eyetoy but so so so so much better:D
    I'm off to a sleepover tomorrow, gosh it's been stressful planning it:L Because I'm going shopping beforehand with my sister, so I needed to know what time to get to my friend's house but nobody knew:L So I'm just forcing them to text me and I'll get my mum to give me a life:p I'm not getting on the bus with a pillow, sleeping bag +bag:L I'd get mugged or something
    On my newest MattyB graphic, his name isn't on there
    twice. It's just his name and then the name of what I decided to call the album. Because that's the name of his Youtube channel.
    ... Mines not for the good.. I mean, dad would kill me if he.knew i had a bf (seen him tonight .. WHOOP) but i think dads mad... Tell u when we talk about it
    Wow.. Id hate to live there ...with u.. Ur.parents would hate me!!!!!!! Hahaha i have junk all the. Time, n drink pop from the bottle
    1) are any rituals still preformed in Latin, though? Say, the communion...?
    2) how do the meanings differ?
    3) I guess Catholic churches vary as greatly as do Protestant ones. :)

    And the gospels were written in Greek. The whole of the New Testament, in fact, is written in Koine Greek. (I was in Biblical Greek for a semester. :p) I know it was written in Roman times, and the Roman Catholic church also started during the Roman empire (as the name suggests), so I guess tradition would dictate that mass was originally in Latin. But I never understood why that tradition survived for so long... is there more to it than tradition?

    Forgive my ramblings and musings. That's just something I've always wondered about...
    I get it.

    Okay, I'll start the questions. If you get tired of them, do feel free to point me to some resource or person you think would be useful. ;)

    Let's see... How much Latin do you still use in Mass? (It is called mass, right? is mass simply an equivalent to what we term a church service? or is it more specific?) I know a lot of churches have stopped using Latin most of the time, but are there specific times where you use Latin? And why Latin? I mean, there doesn't seem to be any Biblical foundation for that...

    Thanks so much!
    You can copy and save it to your computer, if you want! I mean, it is technically your's. I saved it from your album this morning! LOL!
    Do you mean the messages we teach are against Catholic teaching? Or is going to a Protestant service in and of itself against Catholic teachings?

    I want to learn more about Catholic services and teachings (I'm an awfully curious person)... would it be okay if I pester you with questions? Or would you prefer to point me some source or other? I have no idea where to start asking, I know so little!
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