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  • Haha, home for lunchnagain, badminton after school :)imma try it, even tho my wrist arent the best
    Easy. No car (because I have never owned one/neither has my husband/ buying one wouldn't be very smart right now cuz we would have to sell it soon). Thus, my only two options were Amtrack and Greyhound... Same price... chose the lesser of two evils (okay, okay... only Greyhound is evil...

    I just boarded the train about 15 minutes ago. It has INTERNET :O
    oh. That's to bad... :(

    haha :p Thankfully, I only transfer once today. 4 hours on the train, then 4 hours on the bus...
    Awww... that's too bad... Maybe you will learn to like your new one just as much, however.

    Aww thanks! :D I am just nervous... I like traveling... just not alone... lol If something goes wrong, it will typically happen to me. I am that kind of person...
    ah :p one step? that's not so bad

    ah. that makes sense. It's neat that it's open to more than just students at that particular school. Have your participated before, or is this your first tiem?
    WOW! I don't think I have heard any of those songs! As for the movies, I have either seen or heard of all of them. have not seen October Baby or Inception. I am going to do a LOTR graphic! Catch you later! Oh, and for some annoying reason, my sister wants you to know that she says HI!
    That's awesome, I hope you do well!
    I have a piano recital coming up, so I know how you feel!
    Well, yeah. I hadn't thought of that. But lately I like doing a lot of movie/song things. What's one of your favorite movies or songs?
    Concerning Mewsie's "fake quotes," all the names refer to her various cats. Caspian, Dorothy, and company are all cats. Think of it as a role playing game, in which Mewsie is playing the part of half a dozen cats. :D

    It's like when Glen posts something along the lines of
    <quote> Sushi: *composes opera* </quote>

    Did that make sense?

    But now, back to our conversation. I've been to some beautiful Protestant churches. I especially like the small ones in the middle of nowhere, with beautiful wooden beams holding up the roof. I love wooden ceilings. :) Most churches I've attended aren't exactly breathtaking, I confess. But there were not the resources to build a beautiful church. I'm thankful merely for a place to worship.
    Thanks so much, Patrick! I can do way better, but I hadn't conditioned my voice before. I just picked up my iPod and started singing! There were a couple spots where I wince when I listen. But thank you sooooo much for your feedback. Now, to get NFL or NASCAR to hear it...
    They sound like very nice pieces.

    I really like the "Pines of Rome" one. I am thinking they are using "pines" as in "pining"? since the song sound very mellow and almost sad? hmm...

    Are you nervous for your audition? You will have to tell me how it goes
    it's been going great!

    This weekend I watched a musical about Batman, went to my friends gymnastics competition, and went sledding in the mountains, it was so much fun. Now I'm just relaxing, I had very little homework today, so :D
    what's new with you?
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