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  • Yay, i liked being missed.. So... My only friend thats a guy, and lived here... Is gay..
    Our catholic family is GIGANTIC. Our great grandparents had twelve kids so now there's a bazillion cousins and we're always at weddings. Weddings are fun.

    oh it's my dad's car. He said we could have it when we start driving because he wants a new truck.
    yes really. Only you're catholic. But my mom's from a huge crazy catholic family...
    I dunno,we're just a bunch of hypocrites.

    It's a bit squatter than that and there's a bike rack on top :)
    Somebody like you.

    Oh it's a black ford focus. We call it the batmobile. My dad always has the coolest cars. I don't think a ford focus is SUPPOSED to be cool,but it's clean and it smells good which is better than our minivan so I'll take it :D
    Hahaa I get tired really easily aswell, it's quite upsetting:p I'm terrible when at people's houses, if I get bored for not even 5 minutes I'll be out like a light :p
    I bet those 5 weeks fly by:/
    +It's alright, I find it hard to listen to full songs of rap, but when it's laced into songs with singing I really like it:D you?
    I KNOW RIGHT? He was TOTALLY in that crowd when he was younger,his band was pretty prestigious in the underground scene too I think. He doesn't like everyone now though. My mom says its because they're too old to be rebels anymore. He just hates all boys. But I think he would handle a goober better because he would think he was a weakling xD.

    My dad says I have to learn stick because the car we're getting is a stick. Also because not a lot of people know how to drive a stick so thieves won't take the car.
    Yeah, it's changed a lot. Most of the people I knew back when I first got on are gone now, or changed their names and never get on anymore. I guess a huge portion of us were highschool and college age and now we are either too busy with college career or married life.
    I keep loads of them. Only because my mom lectures you if you do the SLIGHTEST thing. I just don't even tell her anything serious anymore.

    YES. I love Pink Hair. My dad's from the punk background so I've grown up thinking that kind of thing is cool and normal.

    LOADS OF THEM. Most kids get caught because their noobs. I've only gotten caught once or twice. When I was little,I wanted to be a spy. I'm certainly perfecting those skills at the moment...

    Driving a stick shift is hard though. My dad says you're not driving until you drive a stick.
    Yeah, I have heard pretty much every reach record/116 Clique artist out there because of my husband. He's always coming home with new stuff and always know when he's cleaning because Christian rap will be on real loud! That's all he listens to so he has a CD organizer full of all sorts of indie, underground, and signed Christian rappers.

    I'm a returnee. But haven't been on the forum until recently for several years. I really came back for the motivation to write some stories.
    Yeah, my husband got me into it. He likes a TON of them but my favs are Lecrae and Trip Lee. Lecrae is now a part of the "i am Second" Movement and it's pretty cool.
    Hah same. My mom kept saying it was a secret. Probably why I started theorizing so young. I hate secrets. But I do keep quite a ton.

    Haha well good. I'm probably going to be even more intimidating when I'm 18. Pink hair,nose stud etc.

    Oh just because You stayed up past your bedtime? Pssshhh. I stay up past mine every night AND have accounts on all the websites my mom is paranoid about. The trick is secrecy and mind games. Since I dOn't have any real friends,I go to EXTREME lengths to maintain my online ones. I'm also a writer so I have to have time to write at night and thirty minutes isn't enough!

    So basically,They probably SHOULDN'T trust me in a car but since I'm a mutant freak,I think my dad's pushing to get me moved out sooner than my mom is. The upside? OUR ROADTRIP!!!
    hahah that's a funny explanation. Me and my sister thought that it couldn't happen until you were married(MAGIC.) So when we went to one of our cousin's weddings,they'd had their baby BEFOREhand and I was SO confused. Took me forever and then I was like...ooooh.

    Yes but then there's cockiness. Basically,I'm not an angel. My dad's always like "you're gonna date a bad boy" and I'm like "no,because I'M the bad GIRL." His fault anyway.

    I wasn't too hot on driving. But yeah,anytime after november next year I get to drive :D

    As far as tans/no tans/burning etc. I prefer freckles. I wish my face had more of them...
    I have some but I mostly have this weird "mole moon" thing on my left side. There's a crescent of little flat dots on the left side of my face and it's weird. So I call is a mole moon XD
    I figured it out on my ownsome. I remember being generally pretty young,just lying in bed thinking and then I shot up saying "I FIGURED IT OUT!" So I snuck a peek in one of those growing up books and proved my theory. Not how most kids take it huh?

    Yeah they say that but I do have a temper. Just wear oven mitts and don't feed the flames. I make a lot of metaphors as you can see.

    Yes! This makes actually excited to learn how to drive now.

    I'm pale too but if I'm outside all day,I tan easily. I dOn't like tans persay nor do I get the obsession with them. I more gravitate towards the pale face,bright red hair,Irish look. I like pale skin. And since that was popular in medevil times,you could say I'm REALLY old fashioned.
    Lets just say it involved male parts...and a mouth...and ugh. The kid telling me was TEN.
    hahah I didn't get those jokes either. My mom to this day still doesn't know I know how everything works. It'll just be a recap when she decides to tell us.

    yeah that makes sense. I guess. On my part,my mom just sort of lectures us absentmindedly and I take what I can from it and improvise with my own decisions. I don't really have room to practice anything though so I suppose you could say I'm dormant. I just get skilled with my words.

    hahah most people on this bus like dubstep. I don't mind all rap though. I mean,I have a soft spot for nicki minaj.
    NO RELAXING MUSIC. I'll fall asleep at the wheel xD

    Oh Austin's 12. He's basically a really short version of you with tanner skin. He's a SUPER goob though. He likes to tell us he's weird when he's really not. He's also a little stupid but I just let that slide because lord knows I WAS when I was on here 3 years ago...
    This boy on the playground once told me "mr. smiley". I didn't get it for the longest time and when I did I was like "omg you sicko..."

    You're the only kid my age who actually talks about that kind of stuff. The stuff we talk about is what we talk about with my mom. Yes,that is messed up. THE WORLD IS SCREWED. it always makes me laugh when women complain about it though because it's like "uhhh...eve ate the apple first. WHO'S FAULT IS THAT NOW?"

    YES! Some of the girls are bringing food and music. I think combined,we'll have enough owl city to last about 8 hours. Then we'll have to start shuffling :D I love fantasizing this stuff. I shall make it a reality!

    Haha you kind of look like a taller version of my friend Austin.
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