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  • Yeah it is! I'm so excited! :D They're actually making it into 2 movies, the first is coming out in 2011 I think, and the other in 2012. :D

    Really, for you too? Thanks :)
    Oh wow, I knew it was snowing over there, but it's kinda hard to imagine because it's been so sunny the past couple days here. lol :) I was hoping for snow this year, but we didn't get any sadly.

    Ok, thanks!
    They are :D Did you know they're making a movie of the Hobbit now too?

    I'm doing pretty good. :) Earlier I was a bit down...Mondays are always pretty rough. But I'm doing great now. :D How are you doing?

    By the way, can I ask how old you are? I'm 16. :) But if you can't say I understand.
    Yep :)
    That's good, they're really great movies. I'm crazy about them. lol :D I hope you get to see them all soon. :)
    ooh I can play my bass guitar now, that might work ;) (we established that the bass guitar is my perfect instrument, I can essentially practice it without anyone hearing me, which was always my problem with practicing piano :p)

    Have you composed any of your own songs?
    I do too, a lot of it involves music :D other parts involve watching really random youtube videos :D
    Yeah, it's taken a lot of work to get to this point ;)

    Yes, I love being competitive but it has its downsides. Part of what helps me this year is that this one guy on my team is the same way and I'm trying really hard not to break down especially if he does it in the same quiz ;) :D :rolleyes:
    *hugs back* ;) I'm hoping it'll go pretty well, I've been a lot better about it this year, I'm really competitive so I do tend to break down if I don't do as well as I want to :rolleyes: ;)
    oh fun, school always makes things so much better... not ;) :rolleyes:

    I've been feeling like this for about a week, I'm trying to get rid of it before this weekend so I don't break down during the middle of the quizzing tournament we're going to :rolleyes:
    It was awesome. It was fabulously awesome. I'm actually in a crowd shot of IE. So is my mom and my friend meaghann and my friend trina and... *stops* lol
    PM headed your way.
    *was totally stalking on you and GG's conversation*
    I was at storm and Look At Me was AMAZING!!! I have it memorized if you ever wanna hear the lyrics. It's a fun song, I'll tell you.
    Yeah, it is fun. lol :D And yeah, everyone has welcomed me very nicely. I love it here too. :)
    Really? I didn't watch it when it first came out... but do you like it now? :)
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