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  • For me english is very iffy, it depends on the teacher that I have and what books I have to read. :D Math is my best subject overall but Physics is my favorite because of my easily distracted teacher. I like band because my teacher rarely ever bothers to work with my section.
    Hi, nice to meet you too! :) Ok, now I know 3 people named Ally, lol. :D You can call me Julie.
    Ugh. I remember having to learn about those, it might been five years since my last lesson about them, but I still don't like 'em. :p
    Understood. I personally would take Math or Band over Bio any day.
    It's not that part of it that I like, once you get past that and move on to DNA, it's alot more fun. :D
    Yeah it sounds like I would hate it too.
    I wouldn't mind four years of Biology, but chemistry and physics is another story. ;)
    ...For the life of me I can't remember what that is. :D
    My highschool doesn't require four years of science and history course, so of course I'm only taking the minimum of three years worth. :)
    Basically the same for me. I like having longer classes than I did in middle school, (In middle school they were 45 minutes, now in highschool for me they're 90 minutes) because classes don't feel so rushed. Yet I still wish that my school would just get rid of some of the required courses.
    You could say that. x3
    I enjoy certain aspects of it, as well as certian classes, but overall I would that I do indeed enjoy school. :D
    Do you?
    It's a bit different for me, but yeah I've pretty much gotten my homework done, finished looking at the letters from various colleges I've gotten and have taken care of packing my bag for tomorow.
    I can not wait to graduate. :p
    haha yeah, but they said they had tons of entries. idk if it was in the millions, but definitely thousands. so *shrug* maybe next year :p
    :D Yeah, but sometimes no matter how many pages you go through you still don't find exactly the right picture. x3
    I'm very picky when it comes to graphics. :)
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