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  • Haha, thank you! :D lol, random seems popular nowdays! :D Well, I like being random. lol :p Everyone seems really nice around here :) A&F used to be big, like in LOTR days, but it shrunk. xD
    That's cool :D Yeah, A&F is like my own little social life too, lol :) But then I decided to join here because it just looked so cool and I love Narnia. :p They're both really cool websites. Although this one seems alot bigger than A&F, we're sort of like a small group there.
    Thanks :D

    Haha, yeah.
    haha i'm good :) desperately trying to plot ways to meet Damian... so far the best one is a meet and greet. -_- the only one that doesn't have ARREST ME written all over it. heehee
    lol, thanks.

    That's really cool :) I have alot of friends on another website, have you heard of Always & Forever, Elijah Wood? I'm on that. ;) It's really cool.
    I'm sure I'll make lots of friends on this site too though. :D

    Cool, I'm on the west coast. :)
    I just realized I posted this on my profile last night... oops!

    Wow, that's awesome! :D I have one friend online who I'm really close with too, she's one of my best friends. But I don't have her number. :)

    Haha, you on the east coast? :p
    Yep :)

    Oh really? Do you know her in real life? That's cool! :p

    Haha, it's only 7:30 here! xD :p
    Yeah, I don't think I'm allowed to either.

    Yes, I do :) She's my online "mom" actually! :p lol
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