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  • (hang's head) It was trying to get something out of my closet and I lost my balance and fell off the chair right on my bad arm. And rehurt my shoulder and reopend my cut on my forhead.
    No not at all! I would be honered. Happy thanksgiving Dad! Did you read the latest update on me? Narnia Ice Cream posted it for me.
    Then when my Mum answerd he told her he had found us lost in the woods and had helped us home. He helped me inside and up to my room. and then my Mum wanted to pay him for helping us. But he refused bbut Mum insisted so he said ok. But when she came down stairs he was gone. And the reason we think he was an Angel was this happend during the winter and when he left there was no footprints in the snow.
    A few years back me and my best friend were outside in my back field which is in the forest and we were playing and we got lost and couldn't find our way back home. I had fallen and sprianed my ankle and my friend was tyring to help me walk. There was nobody around for miles and next thing we knew there was this gentleman walking thorugh the forest. And I called to him and he asked me if we were lost and I said yes. then he called us both by our names and took my friend's hand and picked me up to carry me in his arms. And he told us not to be afraid that we were safe now. And he led us through the forest and in no time at all we were at my house and he took us right up to our door and rang the door bell.
    I missed a lot from this forum. I did not know about the new alipang series...whew..surely I have a lot of readings to do when I have time... :-) it's been a very busy semester! year 2025 are robots present? :-D
    I just received word from my
    Papp's friend(who's the doctor)and he said that he happend to show another doctor friend of his my X-Rays and he saw that I have a small break on my lower right arm that nobody saw before. So the Monday after Thanksgiving I have to go back to the hospital to have my cast removed and they have to reset my arm and put a new cast on. PLEASE KEEP ME IN YOUR
    What property repairs did you have done? And I didn't know you were actively searching for a relationship. I guess I'm just really behind :( What writing have you been doing?
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