I know of Applebee's! We have one not to far from where I live! I like it but my parents don't care or it to much. Thye say it's to loud and dark inside.
hello copperfox, you're welcome for that, sorry this took so long, i haven't been on here much this week my parents are takeing a new businesses adventure and i just hope it's the right direction for them, how did your wall project go, have the best week ever
Yes you made me laugh a lot. I think you and mikey are very funny how you get defensive about it. We are such geeks aren't we?
Oh they're for grabbing? That explains the plunger...I could never make out what they were. I made a lego dalek today with a highly evolved personality and it wouldn't destroy the Doctor. He kept saying "aww,I'll.Get,Him.la-ter...beep beep."
hello copperfox, how are you doing? i'm good oh what a bummer that she hasn't contacted you yet you could have helped her write good Christian plays, have the best week ever