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  • hello copperfox, how are you doing? have you started working on the Christian theater plays yet?? how's your week been? i went to mid week service this Saturday & then today i went on outing, have the best week ever
    Aye up Dad,
    Yes I did read the last 2 essay's. I really enjoyed reading them. Did you see my post about my Mum? My rash is much better also!
    hello copperfox, how are you doing? ohh that's wonderful that you met a lady that does Christian theater and has asked you to consder doing plays :) me work and i'm going to bed soon :) have the best week ever
    Aye up Daddy!
    No I haven't gotten to read any more. I've have been able to get on the page to read it could you e-mail it to me? Love you!
    hello copperfox, how are you doing? that's great that you're ok, i've been wondering about you :) i'll try to post on facebook tonight, if not i will always try to PM you here
    That really, really sucks. My parents want to, and need to do loads of work on the house but we just can't afford it at all.

    Mum and Dad fight even more than usual, and it's driving me mad! :(

    Plus, my house smells like puke because Dad fell asleep while he was letting something simmer and he went into the other room to wait for a while, no one noticed for like 3 hours. Suffice to say, the pan is broken and Mum is going mad. :rolleyes:
    Hey Copperfox! I haven't talked to you in ages! :D

    Yeah, school is doing okay, not the best it's been, but not the worst either. Currently I'm failing Maths... But otherwise I'm doing okay. Apart from all the annoying guys in my classes who keep on taking the mick of the fact that I really like Harry Potter. :mad: It was funny in the beginning, but now they're all asking for a slap. :(

    How are things going for you?
    yeah it was! I still crack up laughing just thinking about it! Oh I'm on gmail chat with Gentle Voice(Kat) right now!
    The other day me and my little neice who is 4 were watching PC and when we got to the part where Dr. Cornealous tells Caspian about the two stars meeting. My says"I know the name of the two stars and thier names were Advil and Tylenol" I was laughing so hard!
    hello copperfox, how are you doing? thank yoi so much for your prayers, we still need prayer all 3 businesses are struggleing we're just barely hanging in there, i'm glad your wall project turned out good :)
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