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  • hey Dad,
    yep I just got home form the X-rays. the Nurse said it'll be about 3 days before I find out the resulst. UGH I CAN"T WAIT THAT LONG!
    Aye up Dad,
    Oh I dedicated a post to you. Last night I kept having a shooting pain in my right arm(the one in a sling) and by 7:00 I could barley even move my arm without crying out in pain. So my Pappa took me to the Emergency room and the Doctor took x-rays and found out that I had dislocated my shoulder! So they had to relocate it.OUCH:(:( Now I know how Peter must have felt when he dislocated his shoulder in the Battle agianst Miraz! I am home resting now.
    Yes! Yeah I have noticed that. I thought that was so cool when i read that! It made me so excited that the charaters in one of my favorite stories have hthe asme horse as me!
    Aye Up Dad,
    I'm so sore all over! I went out riding yesterday and my horse got spooked by a snake and bolted. I tried to hang on but I lost my grip on her rains and landed up falling off. I fell right on my shoulder and I bumped my head on a tree branch.
    Thank you for the heads up Joseph! By the time I checked it out LOL<3 had cleaned things up, thanks to your comments.
    I noticed that particular post yesterday (what a day to post it!), but was afraid that commenting on the obvious (and unfair) sarcasm would only cause more trouble. Thankfully, it looks like the poster at least toned down his post after you said what you did.
    Aye up Dad,
    Could you send me the story you wrote about the Tiger's of Narnia? When I try to click on your picture nothing happens.
    No. Saturday my was my horse lessons and my tutor worked me really hard! She has been teaching me how to ride side saddle and jump over half walls. And I think I fell at least 50 times if not more! So I'm completely sore all over!
    Your skill in sonnets seems never to dim in skill or in delighting others. I loved the one about the fireplace.
    Hello again,
    I know I've been gone probably for quite a while but life has kept me busy and I've been trying to get out more not be cooped up in the house so much. I do hope your doing well,
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