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  • Hmm... What ever you think is the most enjoyable to read. I would think that would mean not drawing it out too much, but also not rushing it either. I think it's entirely up to however you feel like writing it. :)
    Hopefully. I will bring chains just in case. I have to log off now but I'll update you in the next couple of days.
    That will be great. I'm looking at the options right now. I do really have in mind going over there driving. I'll have to drive over the Rockies I suppose, to get to Denver from the west.
    I'm considering that possibility. I want to take my son out for a trip. Possibly the first part of that week on the 23-25 or 26, something like that.
    Copper, I was admitted into the Order of the Arrow seventeen years ago and am a retired Chapter Advisor. The Black Arrow is a distinction of the Atlanta Area Council for graduate degree holders. Their school was the founding school that began the national programme and only people who have studied in Atlanta get one.
    Well that's good that you still write:) I love reading your stuff! I noticed that the rp stuff just kinda vanished.
    I just finished the part I am calling, "Lorraine's Baptism by tears."

    Awesome. Oh, AND I have a big, fat LIST of people for you to send Mrs. Stetzer to . . .
    It almost seems like Quinn's mother is unknowingly taking up a "Pascal's Wager." Blaise Pascal was a devout Catholic Christian in addition to being a world-class mathematician. He proposed in one of his religious works, a wager: If an honest truth-seeker will ACT as though one believes for a whole year, going through the motions etc., by the end of that year, God WILL give him or her the gift of faith to sustain it for real. (It also often (though not as reliably) works on skeptics who try it!)
    Ok, wow. WOW! It's hard to write self-defense encounters that go like that without sounding all "5 year old girl disabling 6 grown males in 7 seconds." (Forgive me if I didn't look that up to get it exactly right.) You did GREAT. That sounded very realistically worded. It also WOULD take someone who had years of defending their life against mortal threats to take it as well as Al has. It was good of you to touch on his history of that, because otherwise his even-keeled reaction might have sounded a little over-contrived without that reminder.

    Very well done. I also love the Christian community coming by to visit him the next day. Family support and support of one's faith community are SO critical to helping one deal with the emotional aftermath of having had to kill to survive and to protect one's loved ones.
    I am just about there--and now you have my curiosity up severely! I was just about to start section 19 when you asked that. 19 and the beginning of 20 sure have been quite a ride. I am really piqued now to think that of all that, their Christmas Eve is what you chose to ask me about!

    God works in amazing ways. I am so happy for you both. I am also glad she was able to meet your father. I was going to see if you would not mind just praying for me. I have been struggling with some stuff and I know that talking to God is probably the best thing ever! If you would just pray that I will focus on Him and not lose sight of His Name and Glory... and that I will not put other things before Him! Thank you so much. I hope things are going well for you and your wife now. It is so strange to think about how much time has passed since I was first introduced to Narniafans, but how much I have been blessed by my friends that I have made on here. :) God is good.
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