- Research on color perception.
- After image of a color
- Classification of hues: pure, dull tint, dull shade, bright tint, bright shade.
- Creating your own color wheel showing the correct color relationship. Use of primary paint colors to mix the secondary and intermediate colors. The wheel does not have to be a circle.
- Research other color systems RGB (primary colors of light), CMYK (printers) versus traditional hues of pigment.
- Document or experiment paint swatches in artificial light, with sunglasses, in sunlight.
- Colors as symbols: research the origins and significance of the colors on each flag; the importance attached to color in the nation’s culture.
- Effective use of Art Media and tools in painting. Draw a row of three equal shapes: 1-light value, 2-hue, 3-dark value. First use tempera, watercolour. Option--Create a computer drawing choosing only tints and shades of one hue. Colors do not need to be realistic.
- Working with Intensity: combine varying amounts of one primary color and its complement as well as white and black to create a number of different, low-intensity, light-valued and dark-valued colors.
- How color is used in advertising.
- Chose a common everyday product: toothpaste, cereal or detergent. Identify the color used most often and reflect why certain colors are used.
So the tree thing will be one for playing around because I'm assuming that my final copy has to be only one mood. And we have to have three sketches/rough drafts