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  • Alright. I'll look forward to it. ^_^

    Not to make that sound weird, I just like hearing people's opinions on things when they don't mean to attack others personally.
    I do have one question though, Uncle Joe. What do you disagree with Acts 2 churches on? Of course I mean in general, because each person in a denomination will have their own beliefs on what things mean.
    Ok :) I will give it another go. But I think it said something about being unable to connect to the email address. I will go and have a look.
    I know I saw the movie the other day. Me and my friend who are doing were horrified that they did not put the ending in. He decides he want's a wife and children and responcibility. It's soo wrong.

    Yes I did. I tryed to email back but it woulden't work. So I did email back through TDL instead.
    I agree with everything you wrote. One hundred percent. I will also be praying for us all.
    Oooh right. I will look that up.
    I was going to do The Outsiders but only a few weeks ago my teacher decided I would not be able to do a good enugh pice of work so I am doing A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess now.
    But it sounds intresting so I will have a look. There are a few that have been menchioned that I want to have a look at.
    Ashley taught me how to upload pics to TDL. So I posted on the Share a Pic of Your Pet thread. I'm not up to sharing a photo of myself at this point, but I had fun learning how to do it.
    Oooh sounds like a plan :) I will keep my eyes open. I know it's a random thread but I never know what to post lol.
    I am very glad that I could remind you of these memories. :) I would love to imaginary dance with you again soon. I shall have to work out a better way of dancing then I did. Be more of a dancing partner lol.
    We didun't have central heating for 5 years in my room but my parents woulen't fix it untill it broke in their room lol. :rolleyes:. But I know what you mean.
    Aww thank you :) You are amazingly creative with dancing whereas I just giggle and make stupid comments lol. It has been a pleasure dancing with you :)
    Okay....then there is one other option. Turn back time. I sense you are a bit disappointed about this whole thing. I'm going to make the Queen wake up and it's a dream. Jake and Emmett are her victims and Arthur is about to enter. From there you can plan the whole part the way you want it. It would also take away the storm and give Alice some backup so she doesn't have to hurry
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