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  • Thanks for the great update Joe! It explains the situation going on very well. It's late over here and I'm going off. I have added the person you suggested. His name is Arthur. You can play him as well as you like
    I got your letter. Thank you so very much for doing that for me. It really means a lot. I'll be able to get help so much faster.
    I forgot to say it's in ESW's fan group. I have not read much of your writing, but I will. You and John post so much, I could make a full time job of reading it all, and happily so.
    Hi Copper! Please see my latest post about our new friend. He belongs in your writing group. I thought you would like to invite him yourself.
    It's an option we can use. I already posted a reply but it is possible. I made them split up in two teams. One team is going to warn the Clubs and the other tries to find Alice and Peter but we can add another human servant because the Queen has some servants
    Joe, the Snow Queen has captured Jake and Emmett and she talked to the King of Hearts. in exchange for the help she has gotten from the card soldiers she has promised the King to take over the other lands. Emmett and Jake are not going to make it easy for her
    He was slandering me and Dylan.....
    and well....
    yesturday was not my day.....
    so I let him hold it.
    I'm both sorry and happy to say I've not had those kinds of encounters, but I can imagine how amazing and comforting they were.
    No, I'm afraid I haven't seen that topic in the prayer section. I'll be sure to read it. It never ceased to amaze me how God can comfort us, so it's encouraging to read others encounters with His comfort.
    Yeah I thought I remembered Colorado being an hour behind.

    *gugs* She may not be there, but God is, Uncle Joe. :)
    Evening, Uncle Joe. ^_^ ..or....morning..depending on which time zone your in. I think it's still evening for you, isn't it?
    Oh wow, thanks! :-) It only took me 90 minutes, an excel spreadsheet, and lots of brain cells. An interesting sort of puzzle.
    Hm..Well... I think it...looks good, the slenderness I mean. And yeah I know you can be slender without having your bones jutting out. I don't like extreme thinness where the bones jut out and your knees look bigger than your concave thighs. That stuff I don't like. But when they have a thin physique it looks ...really good in a...not-sexy know?

    I don't find anything labeled "sexy" very appealing, usually. Alexandra... in that pic is fine to me. I don't see her bones. But she seems ...healthy I her face. I only discovered her today And she's new. When the models start to know their stuff, the ones that make it to the top...are usually the healthier ones and that's cuz they take charge.
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