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  • I was talking to Dylan.... that late.
    I talked with my pastor today. Well.... not really, because I don't talk really well, but he got my point.
    He tells me that he would love to talk to me more... but he understands that I'm hard to open up to anyone. I think that this Saturday I'm going to go help out with the breakfast that they do.... try to get involved. Somehow.

    I love you the mostest. ♥
    You forget the fact that the snow queen didn't use her full powers against eric. She wasn't in a rage as she was when she noticed Emmett has escaped. As I said before she only wanted her intruders to leave. Her desire for Emmett has given her a lot of energy and that's why she is so strong. You could always have changed it by making one of the guys taking her spear. Without it she is less powerful. My plot would have been Emmett and jake would not have taken the sleigh and they would have faced her again but this time a bit more aware of her powers
    I think you are doing a great job Joe! The people who played RPG with you should have discussed all options. But all ideas sound good to me. In this case with the Snow Queen you are allowed to feel free to change it in the direction you like the best. The Snow Queen is not my main character but it was fun to add her in the story
    Thanks Joe! It sounds like an answer from God. My brother had the same thing. He was working and a person came by to raise money for the Alzheimer foundation. I think it's a sign for him to go and visit his mother before she will not recognize him anymore
    I know what one is :). I do English Litriture as an A level lol
    Yeh I found it! They are good. I was just wondering how comes you told me about the one too Gondorgirl?
    Can you hear me? I'm laughing uncontrollably at your latest post on RPBM! Thanks for the laugh!


    I love you twice the amount of gugleplexes that you love me.

    Shoot there aren't even numbers that are real that would be able to signify how much I luff, Glove, and love you.

    hehe. We ought to create our own number...
    Hey there, Joesph, did Vanessa put a picture up of herself? I saw your post in Insane Insylum II
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