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  • Yeah, but I've still got two years before I've even got the chance to go to college. :o
    Though I might be leaving soon to go to something like a college, but that's beside the point because it is way smaller than a regular college would be.
    meh. Dylan's a great guy.... I know that you're not saying that he isn't, but... yeah..... not exactly falling for him or anything like that.
    I know Papa Joe.... I just thought that it was a little ironic, his name and all. :D
    heck yeah. Kick butt time. :p lol. I'm going to do my best. You know that the little Sophmore has to prove herself everyday.

    Guess what!?

    Today's Friday. [gasp] I get to sleep in tomorrow. lol.

    <3 G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G
    I can't wait until you read my latest post in the Psychological Disorders thread. Or maybe you did already? :O
    Not exactly. Not yet at least.
    I'm glad that I made you smile. :]

    haha. That's a lot of Glove. :D
    Good Morning Papa Joe.!

    I won't know anything about the SAT until the end of this month.

    Don't worry about the news. I've solved it myself, though it will be the wrong way of doing things, I've discussed it with God. So we'll see how it pans out.

    I forgot to mention this to you, but yesturday your Mary got a compliment from someone that doesn't even know her. :] You know how I asked you if I could keep "Life's Sunsets" in one of my binders? Well because you said yes, I decided to put it in my Psychology binder. Yesturday we had a sub in that class and he was walking around near the end of the class period and picked up my binder and began reading it.... he loved it. :] He asked if I wrote it, but I said no and told him that someone special to me wrote it.


    I Glove you more than there are odd numbers in infinity. <3
    If I may ask, it would be a superb honor if you were to check out my story in the Writer's section. Merci

    Glad to hear it :) Hope your heart is at peace, you seemed quite sad in a few posts of late. I hope you don't mind my worrying a bit. I'll pray for you a little more before I go to bed tonight.
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