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  • Green house gases are good and global warming is bad.... we're talking about it in AP.... I'm still learning.

    You're such a good person and my worries are so petty... You deserve to talk to GGT more than I.
    Thanks. You do help me feel better, though I don't show it. :/ Sorry. Teenager. Hormones. Global Warming. You know the deal.
    [gasp] I didn't know that.

    yeah; I saw it and didn't want you to miss out on it. <dang so much for suprises.>

    Papa Joe!!
    Found something that you should take a look at if you haven't already.... Go to LordofLight's "My photography" thread and go to page 20 and look half way on that page.... I think that you'll be touched.
    All I can say is thank you. I still feel the need to talk to this preacher though, just to let him know where I stand.... plus I think that he wants to talk to me. Well he sure did act like it.

    lol. Apostolic Id Cards.
    Thanks Joe! I believe this pic must be taken around October last year or the year before. I'm not sure but I haven't changed much since this pic was taken
    mmm, but I feel like an outsider at any church that I go to, because there is no documented proof, like there is with everyone else there....

    o.o I didn't even know that it was Columbus Day... :o
    Today went fine... thanks.

    I Glove you more than there are people that have inhabited this Earth, ever.
    I know the Tango! Yep I do. I have followed lessons but unfortunately the teacher never spent much time at the Tango. It's a dance you must feel. A lady must be led by the male. I feel exactly when things are going smooth or when the male is leading me in the wrong direction. Then I try not to take over but silently lead him back to the right position.
    Especially the steps backwards are important and a female should follow smoothly here and not putting any pressure.

    You knwo which dance I used to like? The Cha-cha-cha. Do you know this dance?
    Church this weekend had me in tears, but for a good reason. I've never really had a preacher speak like this one did. He preached on Mark 3:20-30, but spent the most time on verses 28 and 29. "I tell you the truth, all the sind and blashemies of men will be forgiven them. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin."

    I wanted to email him.... just to let him know a little more about me and what's going on and why I haven't been saved or baptised yet and everything, but I don't have his email address.

    Thank you Papa Joe. I love you too. <3
    Funny, she told me the other day that her parents named her after Princess Leia! ;-)

    And thank you.
    Well now I'm glad to have told you directly. She has lived her own version of hell on earth...abuse, abandonment, cocaine, ill-equipped mother, God only knows what else. Her myspace page is a heartbreaker yet, purportedly, an honest expression of her reality. She has not been churched or told much about the Good News. Enter Aunt Joan as one expression of Christ's hands and feet, and Copperfox as another, I hope. I am going to get to meet her at Thanksgiving.
    Yes, same niece, Copperfox. Thanks for asking. She says she got fired recently from her job, yet is 2+ months behind in rent and other bills. I've done some online research for her about social services available in her area. Some require her to do volunteer work in return, and she has expressed resistance about doing this. I'm going to call her this evening and see what I can find out about her resistance.

    I'm asking God for wisdom as I seek to find some sort of balance between blind mercy/unconditional love and the possibility of being used by her... seeking God's direction and will.

    I never told you what she said about your gift. She said it gives her faith that not all people are bad, said that that's the nicest thing she has ever heard of anyone ever doing, and that you must be a very nice person. Thank you for being Light in her darkness.
    It went okay! I am exhausted but it was a fun day so far. I talked with my sister for hours and when I went home the police stopped everybody on the raod to check if they hadn't consumed too much alcohol. I must say I don't drink alcohol and it was the first time since I got my driver permission I was stopped by the police to undergo this test. It was fun :D
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