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  • Just to let you know.
    I went to that church breakfast this morning.... the preacher reminded me so much of you... he's funny, wants to learn Russian [and taught me a few things to, said that I had a wonderful accent and I should be able to pick up everything else fast], he's a psychologist [kinda], and just an all-around nice person.
    I've convinced my mom to take me back tomorrow. :D

    So I'll have to let you know how that goes.

    Oh... well, right now I go to an Assemblies of God high school, but the adults are very much involved in the kids' lives, and they give us really good advice and are approachable. The Christian schools I've been to have been more like a family to me... I simply have to thank God that I've been blessed with such an expirience.
    Unfortunately, although I've turned out this way, I can't say the same about a couple of friends who simply hated the fact that they went to a Christian school, and now that we have parted our seperate ways, they've gone and become 'followers of this world', and living in sin. It's really all up to us, in the end. I've learned that no one can make the decision for us.
    How sweet! I'm happy that she did eventually come back to Christ!
    I know a lot of Christian parents trying to raise Christian kids... but it's so hard now. Most of the kids are my friends, so I do my best to set an example for them. This generation is one of the hardest ones to raise your kids in! If I didn't have so strong of a Christian faith, and if my parents had not insisted on me attending Christian schools... I sometimes wonder where I would be, and trust me, it would not be good...
    Oh wow... I was blessed to grow up with Bible believing parents and grew up with reading the Bible with them... they taught me to try looking in between the lines when reading the Bible and seeing more than what 'it says'... I can tell you do that often as well.
    When I was about 5 years old, my grandmother started giving me Bible quizzes all the time... thus starting my uncanny obsession with Bible quizzes...drawing me to your thread!
    I haven't left yet.... but okay..... it was good that I didn't have any money.... I was really close to buying one not too long ago.
    OK, I got my breaces on and they hurt and I cute my tongue I don't know what to do Uncle Joe :[ other then that I think I'm in trouble with the Mods with my RPG My Weird Life :[
    I put you on higher shoes so nobody will see the difference when we are going to broadway :D Nobody will see the difference (it isn't that much anyway) and we are going to steal the show! What do you say?
    *Gugs dear Joe* I agree with you! I personally like long hair also much better on women than short hair. I always had it long. It almost reaches my waist :D
    I'm so sorry for your loss.. That was an amazing thing for you to do for her, and a wonderful idea to pass it on. I have no doubts the fruits of your labors will be plentiful...
    Oh my; Joe! I haven't been online that much yesterday and I saw your message but didn't reply to it! How can I forget to reply to my dear Joe???? I have long light brown hair. I always had long hair and always will have :D
    mmm. The thing is, is that I haven't even asked him about it, because I know that having an ocean-front house in Kansas would be more possible than him saying yes.
    Sweet, so you are not going to kill me if daddy lets me go to his birthday get together - party thing.? :p

    Just curious, but what is the considerable age in your opinion for one to date?
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