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  • My brother sent me a text message in which he not even appologized. He asked me: But it was a gift I thought? I sent him a message back and told him it was indeed a gift but you are not going to destroy something given as a gift. He needs to do something about his anger.
    I'm not going to let you adopt Rocco even though you can handle him for sure! But I will let you adopt Marvin and Michel instead :D
    They cheer me up Joe! No, I will never be angry with you!!
    I'm just so disappointed. My brother needs to controle his anger because this is a huge problem

    10.000 Gugs back to you!!!
    I'm so mad right now Joe. Earlier this year I bought a laptop but my brother Marvin gave me a mac laptop in July. So I gave my " old" Laptop to my oldest brother Rocco last month. He just called to say he had destroyed the laptop because he was angry. I'm angry and sad and feel hurt. You give something because you want someone to be happy and then this happens :mad ::(
    He called my brother Marvin just a couple of minutes ago.
    You know Joe...I wanted Aslan to act twice but then I realised if I would let him destroy the ringwraights they wouldn't play a part in the future anymore. Aslan would do what no man could. But I think I will make Aslan do something. Never hestitate to say if you like something or not!!! Any advice is welcome :D
    Tolkien wrote my favorite books so I call him my favorite author, but C.S. Lewis is more of a role model for me also.
    Whoa. That's a biggie. Okay. Your dad's physical and spiritual health is on my prayer list until further notice.
    You spoil me way too much Joe!!! But I adore your writing style as you already know! Okay...don't let me keep you here if you have something important to do!! But take care of yourself while going out!
    Hahahahahahaha!! I won't even try :D We all have central heating over here and no fireplace at all. Have you taken my brother with you Joe? I came home just 5 minutes ago and he isn't there. Maybe you adopted him :D
    By the way...with the chili cook off behind you and the tax outcome now known, I need new things to pray for you for, in addition to the standing intentions. At your service!
    Top of the morning to you Copperfox! (Actually for me, it's my sleep "intermission" -- fell asleep on the chaise, now will move to the bed!) Have a wonderfully joyful visit with with tax person. And thank you.
    hmmm. I have long dreams.... when I do dream. The connect and intermingle with each other. It's kinda weird when you see things in your dreams and then they actually happen. I've had that happen a lot. o.o

    I Glove you more than there are different fingerprints.
    So are you only able to hit REM sleep once a night....? You know, cause normally people go through at least three a night. One within an hour of sleep another an hour before you wake up and one in the middle of the two.

    Yeah; I don't want to be a detrament to anyones health.

    I Glove you more than I've attended school so far in my life.
    Whatter you doing up so early? [lol. whatter.] It's only like 2:30am where you're at.... go back to bed mister. :p

    If I happen to get off before I can post another something to you tonight....

    I'd like to thank you, even if you believe that there is no thanks needed, you're going to get it anyway. :p
    I hope you have a wonderful rest of the night and a beloved morning tomorrow morning.
    Don't lose any sleep over me tonight, please.

    I love you always.
    'Your littlest Panda.'
    Actually I don't remember that.... o.o Must of missed it or something.... :o

    :/ But still. . .
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