Well, I am working on the rat story and moving right along. I am somewhat hung up on his name but am working out that issue as well. Thanks for the encouragement. I sense God is using this to get me back into writing again
Thanks! My life has been so crazy busy recently, I haven't had time to frequent any sites....=( But now that the school year has been underway for some time, I decided that I would be able to get on more often. I'm going to be away at a worldview camp next week, but I hope to be on more after that.
Yeah, it's great Clever use of humor (for example David using Al Franken to bore Goliath to death roflol ) sets people at ease and makes the experience fun.
That is a good idea. (I know friends who like Doctor Who as well, but it was the creepy factor with some other elements (see priestesshood in "Pompeii") discouraged me, sometimes I read up on the new episodes to be able to talk with those who like it.
By the way, thanks for discussing this with me. It helps me get my thoughts out, and get counsel at the same time by a respected christian who seems to be firm in his belief.
Fooled relating to the the aforementioned "Any_ attempt by mortal humans to command _supernatural_ powers in a manner _independent_ from God is a sin" ?