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  • Thanks Joseph. I know you get it. Yah. Little things. I was in the habit of emailing my mum every day her schedule since she had a hard time keeping track of time, and so every 1st of the month I had to request the calendar from her assisted living place ... Oct 1 my reminder came up to request the calendar ... which I don't need anymore. :(
    Well.. Thank you :). I honestly just took the opening of the book and twisted it into a Narnian version.. Sort of... Glad you liked it though :). Jane Eyre is an amazing book if you ever get the chance to read it!
    thank you so much Copper! It means a lot for you to give that to me. I don't email much because dad doesn't like me too.
    I am still waiting for the mods to delete my account.
    Thank you SO much for being such an encouragement. :) really...I have been so blessed to know you. I will keep you in my prayers.
    Christ bless you!
    I hope the message that I sent you was out of place or uncalled for...I didn't really think about it. I just reacted and felt led to send you a message. I hope that was okay. And thanks, Joseph. You may call me Sarah. :) I absolutely LOVE her daughter, Audrey. It's adorable, she has different nicknames for all of her children and hers is "Bella", which as you know means "beauty". And sorry you can't listen to the recording. Definitely make sure to when you get the chance, though. I think you would really enjoy it! Thank you for the link! Things like that always make me sob, so I have to take them in doses...if that makes sense. And I will be sure to check out your stories. At the present I haven't had much time for reading anything other than textbooks, but I would love to see what you've written. Many thanks!
    hey Dad,
    sorry I have'nt been on much. I've been sick again and have been trying to look for a job. Please keep me in your prayers. I'm having a rough time right now.
    I've been trying but my computer has been being really slow, the site says my post is too long and I'm trying to multitask doing my homework and being on here and trying to remeber which track I'm on in my LOTR soundtrack. *gasp* Eventually I will figure out how to post sucessfully, until then be consoled with the fact that I'd much rather be RPing then doing my homework.
    I just wanted to let you know that you, your dad and mom have been in my prayers. Sorry to keep repeating myself... *g-hugs*
    Oh I agree completely! I took poety last year at the community college I attend and we learned to write poems in their different fortmats. I loved it to the hilt, but it's definitely challenging to "organize your thoughts" in a certain way. Yet when you do, it can become so beautiful. I'm really glad that you created that thread! Fantastic idea!
    You are too thoughtful! Thank you so much! That poem meant a lot to me! And you are definitely a talented poet...I've been reading through your poems and they are sublime.
    Sweet! She is an adorable looking girl, and quite a talented photographer, too. :) I know you will do her justice.
    You did. I am glad? that he still has time for I have be praying he would give his heart to Jesus. *plently of G-hugs*
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