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  • It reminded me a bit of how I have been debating whether or not to watch the TV show Merlin or not. The spoken "spells" (I think their old english and old high german or something.) that Merlin says. (if he does magic with his hands or eyes I'm not really bothered cause the show is a magic medieval setting.) Christian friends that I admire say "It's just words. It's not spells." I myself not sure because if I wantto do a no magic ban I think I'd lose a lot. But on the other hand, I don't want to be justifying something to myself that if it's wrong. Sorry... I'm rambling now.
    Sorry, I haven't been on lately. My parents have restricted computer time to 30 minutes a day and I had online buisness to take care of with shipping things and stuff like that! But I will try to be on more often. Right now, I am working on a Narnia journal/commentary devotional kinda book. I though maybe after I got a de ent portion finished, I would post it. Piece by piece!
    Copperfox, another interesting tidbit for you- my dad precomm'd a Spru-Can 76'-78' as a DST(E5). I made E5 before I got out too. Did they make you guys wear those white "chief" hats when you were in?
    So I'm going to the renaissance fair next Saturday (was supposed to go today, but it didn't work out. so I watched musicals and wrote instead.)

    Apparently the one I'm going to is notorious around here for being creepy. Can't wait. :D
    Woke up early (unnormal for me) this morning and began to pray for all my friends everywhere. I'm glad you're in better shape
    Sorry I sort of poofed...! I'm horrible at forgetting to reply to messages...

    My goodness I loved that story! I haven't read the book/seen a movie version of it in a while, so I think I'll pick it up at the library and re-read it. To my great shame, I find myself forgetting exactly who Colonel Brandon was... =/!

    I've only read so far as the actual murder thus far, but it is a very interesting novel. The idea that he is bettering society by murder is very strange, especially considering his actions so far don't back that up... I think this is the most interesting novel we've read in AP so far, but nothing can top reading it in it's original language, I'm sure. I had such a problem trying to find just the perfect translation... LOL. Would you say the novel is better in it's original language?
    Thanks Copperfox.
    Just having a look old posts and stuff. :)
    Good evening, sir.
    I'm exhausted but I can't go to bed 'cause I'm trying to write a memoir for school. It's due tomorrow and I can't think of anything worthwhile to put in it.

    And how might you be?
    Click on your User CP. There, it will show you the last five reputations you received. When someone clicks on the scales at the top right corner of a post, they can say they approve of a post and give the poster positive reputation. (It is also possible to take away reputation, if someone posted something rude or inappropriate.) Somehow, it judges the quality of the post, and gives a certain number of points.

    For example, someone could post "I like pillows". Should I give them reputation for that, it might be neutral, which is gray. Or, if someone posted a deep, thought-provoking post, then it might be green, and points would be added.

    Hopefully this makes sense...
    Well... Its a very strange novel, but yes, it does end happily... Well, perhaps bittersweet is a better term, but it's a very good book.

    Have you ever read any of Jane Austen's works? I adore Emma and Sense and Sensibility... I just can't seem to read Pride and Prejudice though...

    My AP class this year has me reading a lot of classics, most recently Crime and Punishment. I've not started reading it yet, so I've no idea if it is any good at all, but I think it's a Russian novel... Have you read it?
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