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  • I'm glad you liked it:)
    Well, the point is that did what you could:) And thanks for everything;)
    Nothing interesting for me really. A lot of homeschooling topics and stuff... I don't usually participate unless there's something really good going on. I go mostly because the kids spend an entire weekend with their friends. On Saturday night there's usually a teen dance, and it's huge. I just hand out at the hotel pool or in the room online or chatting with the other parents... while the kids have all the fun! Looky here:
    I have a homeschoolers conference on that weekend with my kids. I don't know if I'll be able to travel at any other time this year.
    Funny. I was just involved in singing that for my college graduation. The senior class always sings "Non Nobis" after they receive their diplomas.
    (second half)

    The bravest man I know.
    Is the man who risks his life
    So one day the world may be a better place for his children.
    Or any man who goes against his biggest fear.
    Just to save someone he loves.

    The bravest man I know.
    Is the man who fights
    So another man can have the taste of sweet freedom.
    Not fighting only for his own benefit,
    But for many others all over the world,
    Fighting to make this world a better place.

    That's the bravest man I know.

    Thanks for being a veteran and protecting the American Nation!
    here is a poem for you on this memorial day:

    The Bravest Man I Know

    The bravest man I know.
    Is a man I've never met.
    He's a man who risks his life
    To save a friend,
    Not only to save a friend,
    But to save a nation.
    Risking his life
    For those he does not know.
    Stepping up
    Leaving loved ones behind,
    So that somewhere,
    Someone else won't have to.
    He is a man who follows orders
    Even though he knows he might die.

    The bravest man I know.
    Is the man who would rather die,
    So one more person could go home
    To see his family again.
    The man who stares death in the face,
    But never blinks.
    I am sorry about your blood pressure troubles. That's too bad. But the Renaissance Festival sounds fun... That's right, I had forgotten you usually did those.
    Oh dear. I'm a shameful correspondent. I see you said hello to me in January...but as soon as I went back to school I didn't get on TDL again the whole semester, so I missed it. Hello back, now that I'm here. Would you believe...I just graduated? :-) How are you?
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