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  • so sorry! my internet had a rebellion spell.... i do not for sure why Sir Godfrey is not back...I believe he may be on a trip...
    Dear Copperfox,

    I just happened to read your post today. I haven't been on here for a long time.

    To answer your question, even it offends, to be frank it is indeed church people who are the villains.

    I've read Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins, and enough on atheist message boards to know that ideologiall athiests are indeed out to destory religion. I've seen enough movies by liberal Hollywood to know what Christian bashing is.

    Do you suspect my story of being another example of "Christian bashing" or what? To you think only secularists should be taken to to task? Please answer these so I know exactly where you're coming from.

    I don't know about any Christian conspiracies, but there are false doctrines being preached, some of which have led some into sin, and driven others away from Christ. My opinion is that this is doing more harm to religion than all the New Atheists could ever hope to do.
    very neat! I would LOVE to go to one...I hope my wedding will be very, very medieval...let's hope the man I marry is as passionate about it as I am lol! I don't know very many who are...
    I still don't get it :p (Feel free to move on from this hopeless individual ^^)

    I hear christians say all the time that God created everything. Did God not create evil, or is evil merely the lack of good? Does "good" mean to believe in God?

    Well what I mean is ... Didn't God know my destiny even before I was born? That's what I struggle with. Why does God want me born at all if he -knows- that I shall fail in my choices? Didn't God -know- that Lucifer was to become the biggest power of evil? Why did God allow it to happen if he knew before he created Satan? I understand that God cannot do evil, but then again, I don't understand why he creates people/angels that he -knows- will become evil. It is undisputable that God is the future, right? I need a correction on that if I'm wrong :p
    I'm not sure if I get it right. To put it in another perspective; Lucifer. The fallen angel, right? Did he have a choice in this? Did God construct Lucifer to become an angel full of jealousy, or was his jealousy and betrayal his own making?

    We're all created by God. And God is the past, future and present. I literally don't understand how God even can give us a free will and at the same time know what will happen. Wouldn't that be like judging someone to go to hell before they're even born?

    I'm pretty sure I need to wrap my head around this more, though.
    But did God just by creating humans (since he's the åast, future and present) know what would happen? I'm asking this because I'm curious about the story, not to try to disprove God or anything.
    Was "The fall of man" constructed by God? That's really a question I've been wondering
    hehe, yes!
    I just ponder why God, if he exists, made humans that way. Why is it so difficult to "think outside the box"? Or is it because of the new-age culture we're grown up in?

    Why won't God make himself more -believeable-, so to speak :p
    ah... Thanks! He is one of my best of friends on here and it took me allot of courage to write that! I just hope he accepts it, and it sinks in...
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