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  • Okay. :) My problem is that I am soooo far behind on it that it would take me forever to catch up. And there's another reason, but I would rather not mention it.
    Oh...and I am trying not to write on my wall talking to, where else can we talk on TDL?
    I believe each medallion has a pin on the back so you certainly can pin them on... But there are a lot of them! Also I enclosed booklets about Boris Godunov (which I got to see at the Bolshoi) and about one of the palaces in St. Petersburg. I'm just happy they are going to a good home :)
    I'm afraid that most of my poetry is fragmented prose. I have one friend who really has a gift for poetry; her work is similar to Tolkien's. I want to read a lot more 'real' poetry. Do you have any recommendations?
    I've heard about it from my sister, and I've read bits and pieces, though I have yet to read the entire thread. MissR was ecstatic when she found out that you'd written a sonnet about her. :D
    I'll be sure to check it out!
    Thank you! This might be too much information, or not enough, or not what you're looking for, but here it is:
    I love to write. Words are some of my favorite things. They have such a magic to them, such a history. God spoke creation into existence out of nothing; He speaks it still, for 'in Him all things hold together'. That thought holds immense wonder for me. I love children. I write stories and poetry; I've participated in and won NaNoWriMo twice. Reading is my favorite hobby; I love good books. J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and G.K. Chesterton are among my favorite writers. I have a fondness for witty and intelligent people. I'm shy and serious, but I have a silly side. :p I'm a stickler for proper spelling and punctuation, a trait I share with my sister. (I also seem to have developed something akin to addiction to the semicolon.)
    Well, do you believe there could be different timelines? To me that doesn't sound like a real Christian perspective? I dunno :p
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