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  • how about Cecil....kinda random name that popped into my head.
    Duke Cecil Harvey son of the King.
    I just remember they called them but I don't remember the word, because, french is not the same version. I don't watch yet the english version. Just for the first and the second. But after my exam, I will watch ;)
    I don't know, but it's this word in the book :)
    But I don't remember if it's the same word in the movie (shame on me --')
    hey Joe this the only way I know how to post my poem that I promised that I would post so here it is
    One Tear[/U
    One tear cleanse the world
    One tear starts change
    One tear can change the world
    The angels spread their tears across this world
    Crying, Weeping, Praying, Hoping
    We will change
    One tear bring hope
    One tear touches souls
    One tear shows that our prayers
    Have been answered
    We call out
    More, Need, Help, Hate
    Let Change the world
    Cry for hope
    Cry for love
    Cry for others
    Let not cry for our self
    Let us cry because we can’t save others

    - Sonata Moonlight (Conductor Fairy)
    I was once known around here as Caspian_Koumoutsakos.. It's great to be back. :)

    No, I haven't read it.. But I'll look forward to getting around to it this summer!
    SonataMoonlight is registered now. Problem is not malfunction of the software, it's the COPPA regulation that people under 18 have to be vetted. Nothing we can do about that.
    sounds great!!!! if you would go down to the dungeon to talk to him for some reason, then I can begin portraying him:) thanks a bunch!
    Oh right... Well I haven't been home in 4ish weeks but I am back Monday and we text all the time. They seem alright...
    How is everything with you?
    Thank you so much for asking! Sorry to be so long responding, I have not been online here in a couple weeks, so busy with work.

    George is hanging in there! He is handling the chemo really well, and the next step is to try to rev up his stem cells so they'll make his own replacement bone marrow (provided the chemo works and kills the cancer). They think by August we will know if it worked, and he can then begin the stem cell enhancement. Thank you so much for your prayers.

    How are you?
    Aye up Dad(My Royal Uncle),
    how art things in thy kingdom this fine June morn? Hath thou heard from my royal cousin yet?
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