BarbarianKing Nov 12, 2008 Things are going well in Elements. I left an update on page 194. Wow! This RP is going to pass 2,000 posts. More than any of the other threads!!!
Things are going well in Elements. I left an update on page 194. Wow! This RP is going to pass 2,000 posts. More than any of the other threads!!!
BarbarianKing Nov 11, 2008 What's wrong with the PM? and why you keep throwing pompoms at me? I going to start throwing flowers at you.
What's wrong with the PM? and why you keep throwing pompoms at me? I going to start throwing flowers at you.
Powl' Nov 11, 2008 ok, here's the other one, honestly I prefere the first one, because the text doesn't move, but I could not make it differently, sorry I tried four times, it didn't work , is it ok ??
ok, here's the other one, honestly I prefere the first one, because the text doesn't move, but I could not make it differently, sorry I tried four times, it didn't work , is it ok ??
Powl' Nov 11, 2008 ok, here is one, I'm making another one, it'll be better but you can have the first for the moment