Into the Wardrobe

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  • Hey lovely you! You can see that I'm not very much online here, I just saw your message on my profile.. ;) I will try to come online more often.. I'm doing okay, could be worse, could be better. How I'm doing and what's been going on in my life can't be explained in just a few sentences. I will send you a Private Message when I have the time for it ;) *hugs*
    Hey, how are you doing? It looks like you're not online anymore.. :( Too bad.. I haven't been online for a while and missed you.. Sad to see you're not online :( I hope everything is fine with you.. *hugs*
    I hope you will forgive this intrusion, but I would like to know whether it is possible to change one's name after one has registered? I am asking, because I want to give myself a more Narnian name.
    Many thanks.
    Happy Birthday dear Julie!
    I'm starting a Narniac private picture album on my page with photos of friends getting together from Lion's Call and Narniafans. I posted two photos from Comicon. Would you be willing to forward those to Kristi for me? I don't have her regular e-mail.
    That is really neat. I want to do Tap, Ballroom, Swing, and how to do the Scottish dancing:)
    No problem on my side, I'm done there, don't worry. I don't know if I'll go yet. My son still wants to go to the Anime Expo. I am thinking that if I can get him a ride back, then I should be able to go. If I go, then my daughter Gabby could go to. It's family friendly, right?
    If you have a dinner slot available during ComicCon, and would like to connect, let me know the date and I would be happy meet up with you...
    blessings, Linda
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