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  • Hahaha! I love your mod powers - they see right through the Invisibility Cloak. You mods are like Mad-Eye Moody from HP. XP

    I'm glad to see you too! I've been doing pretty well, I suppose. Battling a cold right now, but it's not too bad.. Guess what! I'm going to Biola next fall for uni.. I'm excited to be going to a pro-Narnia school. Come visit me there some time?

    I hope you're doing just as well (except without the cold)! <33
    Hi Jules
    Oh a reunion sounds like such fun!
    Unfortunately my daughter and I are taking my mom to see her brother and sister for a mini-reunion on the east coast from 7/1-8. So I will miss seeing you. But thanks for letting me know...
    blessings, Linda
    Unibunny misses you! I'm glad you're at least okay. All is well with me. I only hope the same for you. God be with You.
    HEY JULES!! Happy birthday! I hope 2010 is going well for you so far. Blessings =]
    I know I'm a bit late, but ...

    Have a blessed Narnian Christmas, Jules
    ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪

    the frozen wait
    the icy walls
    of winter with no advent

    we laugh again
    hope crests like dawn
    rejoicing on the dancing
    ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪
    blessings, Linda
    Hey Julie, I just wanted to say hi, to let you know that I'm still watching the forum. But I'm not very often online..
    Anyways, I wanted to let you know that I'm doing really good :) How are you?
    Hey Julie, the last thing i've read about you was that things were quite crazy in your world, so i thought i'd leave you a message just to say that we have not forgotten you, and that i'm praying for you!

    If you are tired, remember Matthew 11:
    28"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
    That gives me some rest and hope when i read it and life is crazy.

    I know you're really busy, and won't be online much. Just take it easy, hang on there, and know that God always loves you, and will go with you whereever you go, so you'll never be alone! :) *hugs*
    I think you locked the wrong thread. The one you locked is for discussing whether RD will have a name in the movie. The one to be locked is the other RD thread (WHO?) found in The Hunt for The White Stag section.
    I'll think about it and let you know.

    Did you know that there's a thread somewhere in the CS Lewis section about what other of his books people would like on the screen (movie)? I said Screwtape Letters not knowing that it has been made into a stage production already.
    Now that we know who Ramandu's daughter is and we have an "official" thread. Do you think it will be ok to lock the "Ramandu's Daughter... who?" thread in Hunt for the White Stag section?
    Well, things have been crazy for me too ^_^ I started school again, and now I'll get a job teaching english to a spanish speaker, who happens to be the guy I'm dating, lol, and
    to some others. I still have to take care of my health, and the tumor i have, but life's smiling at me again. I never thought I could feel this happy again. ^_^ And I hope you get online more often, so we can talk!!! :)
    I'll be praying for you ^_^
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