Into the Wardrobe

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  • *giant hugs back*
    it's been WAY too long! I've been so busy with school and everything lately; I can definitely say that, so far, high school junior year has definitely been the toughest for me!
    Guess what? I finally took off my invisibility after what- a year and a half? =]

    How have you been? Your note made me smile. XDXD
    Hey Julie, sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. =( Things are okay here, still stressful, but I'm making it through the year pretty well. I can't WAIT for summer.

    My grandma is doing alright. She was in the hospital yesterday and today because there was fluid in her lungs, but that's pretty much normal since it's happened so many times. It's not really her physical health that we focus on now; at this point we're just trying to keep her happy and occupied. She's getting to the point where she doesn't know anybody by name... she just recognizes the faces of people she sees on a regular basis. Now that she's reached that stage, my dad and his siblings are seriously considering putting her in some kind of home, because they just don't have the time to take care of her 24/7. It's probably for the best. I mean, it's going to be hard for me to accept the fact that she'll be spending the rest of her life there, but that's the it goes.

    Sorry if I kind of rambled on with that. XD Thanks for checking in with me!
    Aw thanks, Julie! It's nice getting a message from you since we haven't talked in a long, long time. :)
    thank you for your warm welcome...i like it here ... seems very familar here ... and very nice people =)
    Thank you! I'm waiting for my final grades to come in, which makes it slightly stressful (though my mom would laugh at me for being worried--what I'm dreading is the possibility of getting one A minus--so it's not a very big deal :p). Otherwise I'm having a great weekend, and I hope you are as well!
    I must confess that my heart has been stolen by Middle Earth and Narnia is now a second love. Tough words to have spoken no more than year ago, but times have changed. I still love Lewis and The Chronicles of Narnia (books). But lately I haven't been able to stomech PC the Movie. :)
    Well I will be frank and say no. I haven't kept up with news threads on this forum. Infact I have secluded to a few sections of late. Primarly because of my current interest or should I say fandom. :)

    As for mischief, I've mainly been exhanging some jokes with my fellow Hobbits. :D
    Sorry to hear that you got laided off, but you have my best wishs and even prayers for what God has for you next. Why thank you, It's good to see you here too. It seems like almost an age since we've talked. :)
    Hey! Long time no see! *Hugs* How are you? Sorry I guess that's habit, I'm doing great. I've been keeping busy in Middle Earth while also planning for college. :)
    I hope so to I'm not at school and it's feels so weird right now oh well summer break just starting hm.
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