Into the Wardrobe

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  • Hi Julie,
    I hope this exhibition gets picked up in California; I'd love to go see it. The pictures and video from the homesite were amazing. How did they do the snow machine when you walked through the wardrobe? Was it constantly going or was it triggered by people coming through? It looked like there was a good balance between hands-on vs. displays.
    blessings, Linda
    p.s.These are pretty tough times economically. I'll add you and your family to my prayers for those who are looking for work.
    Yep, it all came through, though the mini Petracorn caught my attention most. ;) *snuggles again* You guys are awesome. :D
    Hi Julie,
    Your package arrived today :D Thank you so much for the Narniafans bottle and bookmark and special movie materials. I will enjoy using them very much!
    blessings, Linda
    P.S. By the way, what did you think of Narnia the Exhibition? (I'm assuming you you got to see it)
    Thanks Julie! How kind of you to go to so much trouble. You make others feel so special.
    Blessings, Linda

    Packageness came this morning. And I absolutely LOVE it. :D :D

    It's a li'l glass Petracorn! He shall have a place of honor on my desk by my Aslan action figure for all the world to see. And if anyone questions my manlyness as a result he shall feel the wrath a little pokey skewer! :p

    *snugs* Thanks a LOT. It's GREAT. :)
    hii thanks for the bday wishes =D

    i havent been on in forever! =o
    lol, how are you?
    yeah...I haven't really been in a good mood lately...So I dont take it out on anyone I've been distant.
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